September 2015 Moms

stretched into pain

I have a tendency to stretch out in my sleep and lay not o stretched my legs of and woke myself up because of a sharp tearing pain in my lower abdomen. Does anyone else get this or know if it can actually cause damage to the uterus or anywhere near the baby?

Re: stretched into pain

  • Sounds like round ligament pain
  • It's probably just round ligament pain girl! It can be very painful in some women. I only feel it when I sneeze or get up from sitting super quickly. I'd say it's like morning sickness, in the fact that some women don't have it at all and some women have it REALLY badly. The perks of pregnancy.. ;)
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  • I get that too! I seem to get it more on my right side than on my left, probably how I'm moving my body around. It freaked me out at first until I did more reading and realized it was most likely the ligament pain. It would go away as soon as I turned over or finished doing whatever I was doing. Definitely feels like a big muscle pull. 
  • I get it too! It's worse when I'm laying down, especially if I make a quick movement like to roll over.
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  • Yes! It's those tender muscles getting stretched and then when you all of a sudden try to move certain ways, they pull. Man it hurts! Happened to me my entire first pregnancy but it's happening again in this pregnancy too!
  • kjs08kjs08 member
    Totally normal and they suck! I found that rolling while trying to keep my hips on the floor and stretching my abs has helped keep the sharp twinges less frequent, but they still hurt when I get them. 
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  • I've been getting them, too. I mostly notice it when I roll from my right side to my left side. The pain doesn't last long but it definitely hurts and makes you think twice before rolling over again!
  • WDDCHWDDCH member
    Yes and I hate it. I pull it when I stretch like that too! As other said, it's round ligament pain.
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  • OK I'm glad that's what it is, I just never had it with my other 2 pregnancies. Kinda scared me because how painful that split second is.
    Thanks ladies!
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