I woke up at 3:30 this morning to use the bathroom and found a very small amount of blood in my panties, 11 weeks 5 days pregnant and I have a bicornuate uterus. I'm so so scared any advice??
I spotted once at 5 weeks and again for 3 days right after my 8-week appt and pap smear. It was pink or red and only when I wiped. I just had my 12-week ultrasound and baby is doing great! Your cervix is super sensitive right now due to the high levels of estrogen which can cause some spotting (especially after sex, an internal exam, or a bowel movement). It's not uncommon to spot a little during pregnancy, so no need to be too concerned unless you are bleeding enough to need a pad or experience painful period-like cramps. However, I would suggest calling your doc as I'm not familiar with a bicornuate uterus; I've always called my OB with any concerns and they've helped put my mind at ease!
What color was the blood? My doctor told me not to worry if it was brown or light pink. I did have some light bleeding around week 8. Apparently a blood clot had formed where the placenta was attaching (everything is okay now).
Re: I'm scared