Wow, lucky you! I wish I was showing, but not yet..I can't wait until I get my very own cute bump! By the way, there's a big long thread with lots of bump pictures already, you should check it out and add yours in
I'm 13 and 2 and still not showing!! Every time I think I am, my boyfriends like like nahhh. lol I actually wouldn't mind if I didn't start showing until May after I finish up college.
Boooo I have a droid! Think it might be time to make the switch. Just for the purpose of posting bump pics - haha! That's probably why my reply button never works too, I'm assuming?!
Seg, does it bother you so much that you felt compelled to write out those words? Geez. I'm on my phone and it's hard to scroll, and I don't have a search feature.
Honestly no I don't care that much I simply said it so that you could see other people bumps and didn't feel like people weren't responding to your post, that's all. I didn't feel "compelled" to do anything, I was offering information in case you wanted to see a more in-depth thread about what you had posted about.
I feel like ppl need to stop complaining about two post the same blah blah blah like who cares!!!!!! Really??? I'm on my phone too n I only look in the first page ugh It's getting old...
What is really getting old is the constant duplicate posts on the same 5 topics. Is it really that hard to post on the thread that already covered that topic a hundred times? Sounds like people are too lazy to search a few simple pages or just want their name at the top of the list, and both reasons are just stupid. Nothing wrong with a new post, but it's better for everyone if you read what everyone has already said on the subject. We have a ton of threads with baby bumps, and some of us like to see comparisons of more than 2 ladies, but we're not all going to post our picture on a bunch of different go ahead and keep creating duplicate posts, but it just pushes most of us away, we don't want to have to REPOST our pictures or experience over and over, just common sense...and no offense to you @Nikkilenae (your pic is adorable!) It's just annoying that a few hard-headed people don't see how annoying all the duplicate posts are.
Well to me is getting old! N if u don't like to read twice? Well very simple dont! Everybody is aloud to post whatever they want n I'm sure there's new ppl here that don't know about this "rules" smh I was new here n because I posted about oranges before I had like three ppl complaining about me posting a threat about me craving oranges! Lol of course i didn't know! But now I just read n comment whenever I feel like ...
They aren't rules that are set in stone, just common sense things that some people aren't picking up on. I think it's thoughtful to tell people that hey, that topic has been covered and you might not get a lot of responses on this thread because we all already answered that question a few days ago. Hence, the search option. Some of us like "new" topics and new experiences, and the same old thing gets boring. Post whatever you want, but you're not going to get a good discussion from this group if you keep posting the same questions and comments...
Re: Show off your bump!!
It's getting old...
Everybody is aloud to post whatever they want n I'm sure there's new ppl here that don't know about this "rules" smh
I was new here n because I posted about oranges before I had like three ppl complaining about me posting a threat about me craving oranges! Lol of course i didn't know! But now I just read n comment whenever I feel like ...