September 2015 Moms

This smell!

There is a horrible smell in my house today that is making me gag. No one else smells it and I cannot figure out where it is coming from. This is driving me crazy!
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Re: This smell!

  • Awe, you poor thing. I'm sorry. If I'm smelling something awful, I just cut open a lemon and sniff it haha! Or clean all the counters with lemon so the house smells fresh. Hang in there!
  • Ugh I can smell garlic on everyone I come in contact with!
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  • twinamatotwinamato member
    edited March 2015
    Have you showered??  LOL!!!!  Just playin' ... do you have pets??
  • I showered first thing because I thought it might be me lol! We do have a dog but it's not him I am smelling. I have vacuumed, cleaned the kitchen and taken all laundry to the basement and I still smell it!
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  • Dog may have brought something inside and hidden it??
  • Could you over power it with a candle/ air freshener (one that you can stand)?
    *Siggy Warning*


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  • This happened to me the other day! It was the kitchen trash. Took me a while to figure it out since I've been avoiding the kitchen and especially the trash lately. My husband thought I was nuts, he couldn't smell a thing!
  • Yes the kitchen trash, anytime someone opens the freezer, and even the garbage disposal.
  • I got you beat! The air outside the house stunk like sewage today! We drove 6 miles to church, and when we got out of the car- there it was again! It's this entire side of town! No one else could smell it... I felt so alone... Hahah - aw man this sensitive to smells thing is no joke.
  • For two to three day now I was smelling this awful smell thru out the house. I used febreze and candles and scentsy and it would not go away. Scrubbed the whole house down and ran a lemon peel thru the garbage disposal and took out the trash. (All quite a feat considering im super sick and exhausted. I just couldn't take the smell anymore!) But it still smelled! My hubby thought I was crazy and was walking around sniffing the house with me but he didn't smell anything lol. Opened the fridge to discover the smell was from there. Some further investigation showed it was a (very) rotten cucumber in the bottom drawer. Ewwww.
  • With the snow and rain... my dogs smell is killing me
  • Last night, my husband juiced - something we LOVED doing before pregnancy. Right now, I'm a vegetarian averse to vegetables.

    The ENTIRE house smelled like juice and I was just losing it! Sweet man took me out to dinner and when we got back, the house still smelled juicy, but we ended up burning some oils so all was well.

    All bc of that juicer...
  • Ugh, that was me last week. No one else could smell it, I cleaned like crazy, took out the trash and nothing helped. Then a couple of days later my DH could smell it too. After a lot of investigation, we're pretty sure something died in the wall. :( We live next to a green space. Calling an exterminator first thing in the morning. In the mean time I have not been able to go anywhere near the kitchen and have threatened to move out.

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  • My SO opened a can of some sort stinky fish in a sauce and the smell will just not go away. It's making me so nauseous. I feel your pain.
  • I feel like I haven't been super sensitive to smells for the most part, but there are two in particular that have really gotten me. The first is my dog. She's super clean, my husband has bathed her, she doesn't smell to ANYONE else, but even when she's bone dry, she reeks of wet dog to me and I can smell her from ten feet away. I feel so bad, because my husband is military and is gone frequently and I just can't stand to touch the poor dog half the time. It makes me feel like such a bad dog mommy!

    And even worse, the second smell that really sets me off it amine, which is a chemical used in submarines to scrub the air clean of CO2. It's very, very potent, but I was the weirdo who could never smell it...until I got pregnant. Now, it turns my stomach. Which is unfortunate, since my husband and all of his belongings reek of it every day.

    I will also say, weirdly enough, that the smell/taste of cucumbers (of all things!) has triggered my gag reflex more than once and I am very, very sensitive to morning breath now (not that I ever appreciated it) but it's enough to make me almost throw up now. My poor husband...
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