September 2015 Moms

Pelvic bone pain

I'm 13w5d and for the past 4-5 hours I keep getting these sharp quick pains in the same spot on the upper left side of what feels to be my pelvic bone. I'm not too concerned because it doesn't feel to be in my uterus area. I've read that it can be your ligaments stretching but its happened like once a minute but very quick but enough to make me wince and I'm wondering if this is normal. I plan to call my midwife Monday. Has anybody experienced anything like this?

Re: Pelvic bone pain

  • I have, but before I was pregnant. I talked to my OBGYN about it as I had some other issues and she couldn't tell me what was causing the pain. Sorry I'm not more help!
  • It really does sound like round ligament pain. Sharp, quick, near the pelvis, pretty much how I would describe round ligament pain. Is it happening when you aren't moving at all? When I lay on my side and make pretty much any movement (laugh, sneeze, cough, or any other even small movement) it happens.
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  • WDDCHWDDCH member
    Round ligament pain. Rest and try not to bend, lift or twist. I tend to always pull the same ligament each pregnancy! It sucks but if you let it rest and heal the pain ends quick.
    Pregnancy Ticker
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