September 2015 Moms

dark line

Just curious if any of you ladies have developed the dark line on your belly? I am 11weeks today and no sign of it yet.

Re: dark line

  • I have! It has been darkened for a couple of weeks now, and I'm 11w1d. It isn't super prominent, but I can definitely tell it is darker than normal.
  • None for me yet but I read fairer skinned people don't get too much of a line. I'm really pale so I'm not expecting it
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  • It's too soon... that's called Linea Nigra. In my previous pregnancies I've gotten it in the 3rd trimester with the outie belly button.
  • Is it too soon?! I have a line now, it's not super dark, but it definitely wasn't there pre-pregnancy. Do some people get it early?
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  • Also mine doesn't quite reach my belly button yet, but is maybe 4 inches long.
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  • I think I got mine about halfway through by first full pregnancy. It faded after my son was born but I nursed for awhile and got pregnant after weening so it never really went away.

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  • Thanks ladies! The bump said today in my 11 week update that I might start to see the line, so I was just wondering. 

    ijdorweiler, are you seeing it below your belly button?

  • not for me yet
  • Is it too soon?! I have a line now, it's not super dark, but it definitely wasn't there pre-pregnancy. Do some people get it early?

    I also always have a faint line but the line darkens and thickens and extends as the pregnancy progresses....
  • @Katrina919, yes, it starts at my pubic bone area and goes towards my belly button, but isn't quite at my belly button yet. Maybe if it's there this early it just means it'll be super dark and long in a few months, yikes.
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  • Mine was so dark with my first pregnancy and took forever to fade. Then I didn't get it at all with my second p pregnancy. So weird
  • No line for me yet. I honestly freaked out a bit because it says it could show up this week. However, my sister hardly got one at all during her pregnancy, and it's true that fair skinned women may not see much of one! :)
  • I had to check, and sure enough I have a line! I am fairly fair skinned too.
  • I'm half Indian and my Linea Negra started around month 5. If your skin is pale, you don't normally get it. It's mainly women who have dark skin.

    I STILL have a faded dark line just below my belly button.
    Thinks it's going to be there for life now, as seven years on, it shows no sign of fading and now I'll get another one! lol.
  • I'm pretty tan naturally and already have one at 11wk4days. I'm sure it'll get darker with time.
  • I am pretty fair skinned and have had one for about a week or two now (12+2) guess everyone is just different
  • Yes. Mine goes from my pubic bone up past my belly button. Mine started showing at only 6 weeks!
  • It shows up earlier in some people then others from what I've read. I didn't have it two weeks ago when it said something about it in my 11w update, but I'm starting to see it very faintly now. It's not past my belly button though. I started noticing it after 12w.
  • I'm a little over 12 weeks and don't have it yet, but I'm also fair skinned, so I guess we'll see!
  • i'm very fair skinned and 11w tomorrow. I just noticed a line this morning very faint but even SO can see it so it's not just my eyes playing tricks on me. it wasn't even there yesterday. crazy!
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