September 2015 Moms

Anyone still breastfeeding the older sibling

My second will be 2 in just a few days and he is still nursing.  I nursed #1 until 2 months before I had #2.  He was quite a bit younger, so I felt like I really needed too.  I'm heartbroken as #2 is REALLY attached to boo-boo and I'm really not ready to be done, but my body is D-O-N-E.  It hurts so bad I just want to scream sometimes.  He nurses in the morning, several times a day, to sleep and several times at night.  That's just too much for me right now.  I tried gently telling him today, not right now, boo-boo hurts and it was the freak-out of the century.  O-M-G.  I mean if he just wanted to nurse to sleep or in the morning I could probably handle that, but ugh.  After his birthday, I think I'm going to work on getting him in his own bed at night, this might help the night weaning.  Any suggestions on how to gently get him away from the breast.  I was really hoping he'd self-wean, but it isn't looking good and I HATE the thought of weaning him ,but I feel like I need to.  Any advice appreciated, but I think I just needed to vent more than anything.

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Re: Anyone still breastfeeding the older sibling

  • First of all god bless u! I breastfeed my two boys now ( 13 & 9 ) n my boobs w the younger one were killing me! He wanted to eat all the time! I stopped breastfeeding him when he was 8 months I couldn't do it anymore! Lol
    Anyway I think is time for u to take a brake because I'm sure u r going to breastfeed the next baby... so good luck n to me ur like a super mom! Lol
  • I'm nursing my 20 month old. Nap, bedtime and occasionally in the MOTN. It's quite painful when she latches but once she's on there it's like a dull pain. It's not unbearable. I am hoping she self weans. I don't want to tandem nurse. She doesn't nurse a lot and is starting to STTN frequently so I have a bit of hope she will wean herself.... maybe
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  • I would only breastfeed at night and maybe morning for comfort. My ob/gyn said I had to stop because of uterine contraction or what not also because of a small clot by my uterus. I thought it was safe to nurse but md told me to stop
  • I am still breastfeeding my 18 month old. She doesn't seem anywhere ready to wean, but who knows. I breastfed her brother until I was around 20 weeks and something changed and he just stopped.
  • I'm not this pregnancy but in the past I have. Nursling always stopped on their own a couple months into pregnancy. It's like I'd hit a dry spell or what was there tasted different? IDK but I agree that it hurts!!!
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  • It might be easier if you have dad put him to bed instead of you. You might even need to leave the house during bed time routines for a little bit.

    During the day maybe try and go out of the house (play dates, library, kid friendly restaurant etc.) and offer him milk or whatever else in a cup and hopefully he will be distracted enough by not being at home that he will just go along with it?
  • I am in the exact same situation. I feel so torn and sad about weaning but it has also become unmanageable. With the decrease in my milk supply, my son started waking up every hour and needing to nurse for 45 mins or more at a time throughout the night. In exhausted. My husband and I had planned on him taking over nights. He did it for 3 nights and it was going well but he unexpectedly had to work extra long shifts for two nights at the hospital (he was jeopardized).

    The first night my son cried for 20 mins before falling asleep and refused the bottle. He woke up 2 hours later but just for a minute. Then again 2 hours later but again for a minute, didn't take the bottle. At 6 he woke up, drank a bottle and fell back asleep until 8! Overall pretty successful. He woke up less and less each night.

    With the premature end to our weaning, it was a total nightmare. I hadn't been pumping at night so my milk supply is super low. My son won't take a bottle willingly from my so he just wants to nurse the entire night. He slept and nursed for 2-3 hours last night before he finally detached so I could sleep. If I pulled away he screamed. My nipples are so sore and tender. I need to survive tonight then my husband will take over again.

  • I am still nursing my almost 14 month old. I seriously suggest not moving him to his own bed and night weaning at the same time. Get him in his own bed and then try night weaning in a couple months.
    I'm not looking forward to weaning my little girl, she's so not ready but my milk production is dropping already, and I am so touched-out.
  • I'm in the same situation. My daughter is extremely extremely attached to her boobies. I had to cut out day time nursing because I could not keep up with it, she pretty much screams from 10am until I nurse her at nap time and then from 5pm until her bedtime nursing (10am and 5 are the nursing sessions I dropped) I won't say it's going well but today has been slightly better. I really don't think I have milk left to be honest. When I'm nursing at night she stops and asks for a drink so I don't think there's much for her :(
    I was really wanting to let her self wean but I'm very worried about tandem nursing, I had a hard enough time maintaining a supply for one
  • I am still nursing my son who just turned two. He wants milkies all the time but I have limited him now to only at bed time. I couldn't take it anymore. He told me last night that my milkies tasted bad and so I'm wondering if the taste of my milk is changing. He also is barely getting anything so I know my supply is dropping. I can't wean him entirely, he is way to attached lol. It would break his heart.... But he has done ok with decreasing his nursing sessions.
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