September 2015 Moms

Hair, nails and feet :)

edited February 2015 in September 2015 Moms
Alright so 6 years ago when I was pregnant for my daughter I didn't bother dying my roots and just let it grow out. Fast forward to now, I have lots of roots and also some greys. Is it safe to dye your roots when preg? I'm going to ask my Dr but my next apt isn't until the 9th. Also I'm aware manicures are safe but heard you need to wait until after 12 weeks for the pedi? Never been pregnant in the summer as I had my daughter in January so my feet lived in uggs, but this time it's going to be sandals and flip flops!!! Just because youre preggo doesn't mean you have to sacrifice being cute......right??? Lol

Re: Hair, nails and feet :)

  • steph256steph256 member
    edited March 2015
    Color your roots go get mani and pedis and relax. They change the chemical formulas in hair dyes back in the 80s so you dont have to worry about it. Just make for sure both places have good ventilation.
  • I called my Dr office and asked about the pedicures around 6 weeks and they said there was no problem. Still got the polish on my toes and I will be 11w tomorrow. I would be more cautious about the manicures and pedicures later in pregnancy due to reflexology theories. There are pressure points in your hands and feet that are said to trigger contractions.
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  • v1wwov1wwo member
    I have a nail question.
    In October I got sick with the foot, mouth, hand disease and I had it bad. I think because of the disease my big toe nail fell off. So around January I went to a foot doctor to check it out and he said that it looks clean and it should grow back.
    Its already March and my nail is about 1/4 out... It's taking forever and summer time is coming!!! Will the baby help me out with this?? Is there something I can do to help me nail grow? Like coconut oil?
  • I think they say as long as the fumes aren't bad with he dye go for it. I had it done at like 4 weeks when I didn't know I was pg& I don't even remember smelling the fumes. We also went for pedis a few weeks ago. Just enjoy, be aware of the fumes & where you are having it done & I am sure you will be fine!
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  • ktbkittenktbkitten member
    edited March 2015
    @viwwo Prenatal vitamins help my nails grow fast, so maybe that will help you!

    OP I hadn't heard that pedis are bad...and I already got one. Everything is fine. I would say go for it, just skip the massage later on. 
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  • WDDCHWDDCH member
    viwwo said:

    I have a nail question.
    In October I got sick with the foot, mouth, hand disease and I had it bad. I think because of the disease my big toe nail fell off. So around January I went to a foot doctor to check it out and he said that it looks clean and it should grow back.
    Its already March and my nail is about 1/4 out... It's taking forever and summer time is coming!!! Will the baby help me out with this?? Is there something I can do to help me nail grow? Like coconut oil?

    My 5-year-old daughter lost her thumbnail (she crushed her thumb in a cabinet door). As I was reading about how long it'd take for the new nail to grow in I saw they said toenails grow much, much slower than fingernails. It can take a year for a toenail to grow back.
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  • trj724trj724 member
    edited March 2015
    I go every 2-3 weeks to get my nails done and usually get pedi every month or so. Have done throughout my previous pregnancies as well. My doctor always told me it was fine, and the place I go to is pretty well ventilated as well. Actually my nail girl just went on maternity leave and she was there doing nails right up until her due date! Manis and pedis are one of my favorite things to pamper myself with :)

    Edited: Stupid auto correct.
  • One more thing, I've never heard of having to wait till after 12 weeks. I actually got a pedicure about 2-3 weeks ago and I was around 9-10 weeks at the time.
  • I am waiting until after the first trimester to color my hair, but after that I would say you are fine. My doctor won't give me "permission" because he says there have not been enough studies done to give a professional answer either way. I worked as a hair stylist for 8 years and had tons of pregnant clients color their hair with no problems. I also had coworkers who were working with hair color every day who were pregnant and never had problems. Most professional hair color has very little fumes anymore and most states require salons to have proper ventilation to operate. You mentioned on another post that you made an appointment with a stylist who uses Redken color...Redken Chromatics (permanent color) and Redken Shades EQ (temporary color) are both great lines to use while you are pregnant as there are even fewer harsh chemicals to worry about. Hope this helps!
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