September 2015 Moms

Any one feeling breathless

I'm by no means unfit but in the last few weeks the smallest amount of exertion has me breathless. Any one else having this problem?

Re: Any one feeling breathless

  • I have had it terribly! I feel so lazy because I can barely move from the nausea and breathlessness! I've also been having bouts of lightheadedness too.
  • I have had it terribly! I feel so lazy because I can barely move from the nausea and breathlessness! I've also been having bouts of lightheadedness too.

    Same here girl. I even passed out last week
    :-S . I'm 11 weeks now and today is the first day I've felt slightly normal in weeks.
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  • Ohhhhh...I can't wait to feel better! I hope your worst is over cause that gives me hope...I am 9wks and 3 days.
  • With both pregnancies this was one of my first symptoms. Stairs are a true struggle.
  • I've felt breathless a lot this go around! I am on my feet a lot at work and normally it doesn't bother me. The last few weeks I seem outta breath a lot!
  • Yup great to know its just not me getting fatter
  • Giving lectures kills me :( Halfway through and I feel like I can't breathe. I'm usually quite animated when I teach but I keep having to sit down! I feel so bad for my kids!
  • Yep. Just going up and down the stairs leaves me breathless. After I've hoovered I also feel like I've just ran a marathon.
  • Just walked up the stairs and had to lie down because my heart was beating so hard and I was breathing really heavily :)
  • Yup ! It's terrible . On top of that I have the whole stuffy nose thing too
  • Had to look this up-- I've been so breathless all day! Yoga class winded me, the stairs almost took me out, and I think I would have cried if I didn't get a seat on the bus-- breathing was so tiresome! And I'm very fit. Grr.
  • Anyone else nervous about labor due to this?? I'm pretty nervous that I won't have enough energy for the labor because I get so lightheaded and exhausted from everyday chores already! & only in the beginning of 2nd trimester too!! Ughh.
  • @shaunnarose I think our energy will return coming up here (:
    I too get winded so quick! Plus I'm so congested so I worry I sound like a goofy mouth breather!
  • @sugarmagn0lia lol! A goofy mouth breather :)) . I hope your prediction is correct and we get back some energy! :-S :)
  • Haha :) well if we achieve the golden stage at some point in the second, it should. Fingers crossed!!
  • I'm thankful for this post! Just going up the stairs in our house has gotten me winded lately!
  • I thought I was the only one.. I figured it's too soon for the baby to apply that much pressure on me but I am so short of breath!
  • I don't necessarily get breathless from doing any sort of activities but I find myself having a hard time catching a deep breath. I feel like I'm constantly yawning just to try to get a big, deep breath. My husband even asked me the other day why I always act like I'm going to yawn but I don't really yawn. I remember feeling this way with my last pregnancy, too. I don't recall if it lasted throughout the whole pregnancy or just the first trimester but labor/delivery went just fine and I don't recall having any shortness of breath during it.
  • Lightheaded, breathless, wheezing (I have asthma and take my inhaler often), lightheadedness & heart rate much lower than before I was pregnant. Much lower blood pressure also.
  • Ugh someone posted about this already
  • Lol just kidding!!!!!! Going up a flight of stairs is a struggle fo real
  • Yes! This started to be a bit more troublesome last night! I even saw spots for a moment. Gotta slow down and not jump around like a hyper kid! I need to remember I'm preggo!
  • I feel like I am going to die when I walk up stairs. UGH! It's embarrassing. Thank god I got a new position and I am not as high in the building right now. Normal walking isn't too bad unless I am carrying a bunch of things. 
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  • Went to the Dr for it today pretty normal pay attention to u pulse and bp don't want it to get too high
  • Yes, big time! It started getting better last week after 10 weeks. I've finally been able to start working out again but i have to take it really easy.
  • I've been breathless & my heart is racing from barely moving! It's like I just went for a jog lol.
  • Lol all the time. Even with the little things.
  • All the time. I tried to read a loud to my students this week and it was awful. Popcorn reading until I don't feel like I'm going to die when I spend too much time talking.

    I usually walk/run a lot during the week. But I haven't been able to do any of it because of nausea. Ugh. The last 6 weeks have been grueling.
  • Absolutely. I just caught myself feeling that way today and chided myself about needed to work out more.
    *Siggy Warning*


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  • Yes! I feel so winded walking up this tiny hill on my way home. The constant congestion doesn't help either.

    iirc from last time it's because your blood volume is doubling while your body builds the placenta and a blood supply for the baby. I think it goes away just in time for it to start again in 3rd tri thanks to the extra 30 pounds and a pair of legs perilously close to your lungs. Don't worry it doesn't have a bearing on your fitness or endurance for labor!

    There's a scientific reason, it's normal! Read all about it in the link above. I am experiencing the same thing whenever there is the slightest incline on my daily dog walks.
  • Yes I do but most of the times but you shouldn't worry only if you're really struggling to get your breath...
  • Make sure to be careful with your Iron levels. As a lifelong anemic, a lot of these things can be symptoms of low Iron. The exhaustion and breathlessness is normal during pregnancy, but talk to your DR! <3

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  • This was one of the first signs for me that I was pregnant (both this time and the first time). I even had a weight trainer ask me when I stopped working out- because of my heart rate and breathing.... Yikes! I told him I hadn't, the day before I ran 6 miles...
  • Yes. I'm by no means an unfit person, normally with great lung capacity. Now I can't even do the simplest thing without getting breathless. Was loading the washing machine the other night and had to stand up and lean against the door so I could catch my breath :) SO thinks it's funny...
  • Glad to know it's not just me! I got so winded just walking from my car into the docs office I could barely talk to the girl at the counter.
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