January 2015 Moms

Post partum question - stitches

My baby is 20 days old and I had a second degree tear and got stitches. My flow is almost clearish, and I was feeling so much better but yesterday and today I feel like my stitches are being ripped out when I stand up or sit down. Anyone else have this problem?

Re: Post partum question - stitches

  • edited January 2015
    Yeah-Same feeling. I also keep getting suspicious that I'm getting a UTI. I can't wait for things to feel less gross and uncomfortable down there!

    Looking forward to meeting our first child in January 2015!
  • I'm having the same issue. I need to call.
    Lilypie Pregnancy tickers
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  • My LO is almost 6 weeks and all of a sudden I'm having so much pressure down there. When I sit on a hard surface I feel like I'm sitting on my bladder, and my rectum feels huge and bulgy. This is all new within the past few days. I'm glad I have my 6 week check up on Monday.
  • I had a similar feeling after DS, but it turned out that I was not healing properly. They watched it closely, and it did heal, but they were considering re stitching it if it hadn't.

    Lilypie Angel and Memorial tickersLilypie - (B9PH)


    Lilypie - (0YVF)
     TTC since 11/2009; Lap/HSG/Hysteroscopy: 5/2011 (endometriosis - removed; endocervical polyp - removed; high pressure in bilateral tubes - cleared)

    BFP #1: 8/4/11; DS1 born sleeping on 11/16/11 at 19w1d

    BFP # 2: 5/7/12, EDD 1/10/13, DS2 born 1/4/13

    BFP # 3: 11/8/13, EDD 7/17/14, mmc 10wks

    BFP # 4: 5/16/14, EDD 1/15/15, praying for our 2nd rainbow baby 

  • Thanks. I called and they said if I don't have a fever, or increased bleeding, it's normal. Hopefully its feeling better by Monday or I'll call again and ask to go in.
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