So, I am in SIL's wedding and its this summer and at that time I will be 7 months pregnant. I am having mixed feelings about what to do. She never officially asked me to be her bridesmaid, she asked me over myspace about a year ago and just today I received a text message to get my dress before march. So I don't feel that close to her, but don't want to damage the relationship. I don't feel comfortable being in the wedding while so pregnant. Any advice?
Re: bridesmaid at 7 months pregnant, help!
One of my BM was 6 wks away from giving birth. She looked fantastic. If you do want to be in it, don't let being pregnant stop you. If you don't, don't blame it on being pregnant.
?I've been to a few weddings with very pregnant BM's and I think they are ADORABLE!?
I've never understood the problem with being a pregnant bridesmaid. I don't understand a bride who doesn't want someone standing up with her just because she pregnant. My best friend/MOH was pregnant when I got married and I never questioned that she would be a bridesmaid.
Do you just not want to be a bridesmaid and being pregnant is a good excuse?
You should still be in the cute pregnant phase at that point so I would be in the wedding if I were you... You just have to hold out 10 more days before you tell her... the dress may have a maternity option or she may want to pick another one for you.
Even though it was over MySpace, you made a committment already. After your appointment, I think it would be best to tell her. See what she says- if you don't want to be in the wedding, maybe you'll "luck" out and she'll ask you if you're still comfortable being in the wedding. Otherwise, I think you should stick to your agreement to be in the wedding- esp. since you all are family. Probably not the answer you were looking for, but I hope it all goes well for you.
I was a pg bridesmaid the summer before last. It was no big deal. Don't wear heels all night! Otherwise you should be good to go. 7 months pg is still really cute pg (8-9 months was not so pretty for me).
Good luck with this.
I was 35 weeks pregnant at my sisters wedding so I didn't have a choice. SO I sucked it up and I bought a maternity dress. Luckily she told us we could pick out a dress as long as it came from a specific company and was in a specific color. Needless to say I looked like I was wearing a brown tent.
I will also be 35 weeks pregnant for my brothers wedding. I am beginning to become a professional at this.
Also, when you are looking at dresses ask the women at the store for their opinion. If the bridal shop is high quality they will have women who know what looks good on pregnant women. This was not the case for me the first time around.
It probably depends on the style, but most material/colors have a maternity option.
I will be 7 1/2 weeks pregnant at my sister's wedding in the end of June, and I will be the matron of honor. My sister is very excited for me and has no problem with it! As for the dress, they do not have a maternity dress in the style she picked out (Alfred Angelo dress), so we are going to get it approximately 2 sizes bigger and get extra material, so we have have it altered just before the event!
I will be 6 months in my brothers wedding in CA (I live in ME). The dress they picked doesn't have a maternity style and the woman at the store was like, oooh, that dress doesn't do well with a pregnant belly. But, I am going to try it on again with a "fake belly" on and just buy a bigger size and take it in in the boobs. At this rate, I probably won't have to take the boobs in that much, haha.
Tell her how you feel and let her know that you will not be able to stand up for her. The sooner you do it, the better.
FWIW - If you really have to be in the wedding at 7 months you won't be the most comfortable, but it is very doable.
I think it's up to you. If you will not feel comfortable being up there I would tell her. Maybe she can have you do something else like a reading or something so that you're still part of the ceremony. I'm sure your SIL will understand.
I'm going to be in 3 weddings while pregnant (6,7 and 8 months pregnant!). It should be interesting!