July 2015 Moms

I just fell

I just fell down in my preschool class and I'm so nervous now. It's my first pregnancy. I slipped on milk. :/ what should I do?

Re: I just fell

  • Call OB, hope you're ok. If it were me and I just slipped one or two stairs and landed on my butt I woudnt be worried if I wasn't having pain, cramping or bleeding...but if i tumbled down an entire flight of stairs Id call right away and my OB would have me come in for a sono but that's how he runs his practice
  • If you didn't fall hard or on your butt or belly, or hit your head just watch for bleeding or cramping. If it would make you more comfortable talk to your boss and leave work early.
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  • I would call for peace of mind, but baby is pretty cushioned in there. The dr may have you come in just to hear the heart beat. With my first, I passed out in the line at Qdoba, flat on my back, but baby was fine.



  • My OB said for any fall I would need to go to ER and/or call the office. Don't brush it off, better to be safe than sorry. We are not doctor's so at least call to get their medical, professional advice before you make a decision based on this thread.
  • Are you RhNeg? If so 100% call. My OB made it very clear to call for any falls b/c I'd need the shot earlier than they typically give.

    I'd call and be cautious regardless.
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  • My doctor actually told me that she's worked with pregnant ladies for 20+ years and seen plenty of them fall on the ice and there has never been a problem. (I live in SD) if you're still uncomfortable call your OB I've fallen twice early on and nothing happened to me. Good luck!
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