July 2015 Moms

GTKY: Pets edition!

ipumpkinipumpkin member
edited January 2015 in July 2015 Moms

Happy Thursday! A few people said they liked the GTKY post and I don't see anyone else doing it, so I'm going to do another one.  Since I have my fur babies on my brain, I thought we'd talk about your pets today!

Do you have any pets or want any pets?

How many/what kind?

What are their names?

What is their favorite thing to do/favorite toy?

How will you introduce your new baby to your pets, if that needs to be done?



Here are my answers:

Do you have any pets or want any pets? Yes, I have dogs!

How many/what kind? I have two doggies. One is a Chocolate Lab/Great Dane and the other is a Yorkie!

What are their names? Tyson & Harley.

What is their favorite thing to do/favorite toy? They love their Kong toys and love to play with each other. Despite their size, they are BFFs!

How will you introduce your new baby to your pets, if that needs to be done? I think we might plan to send a blanket home early, with baby's scent on it. Then when we get home from the hospital, we will just be acting normal and giving them normal attention and let them sniff new baby to get acquainted.

Re: GTKY: Pets edition!

  • How many/what kind?
    I have one puppy (6 months old). He is a golden retriever.

    What are their names?
    Stitch! We just dropped him off at the vet this morning to get neutered and I am so sad for my fur baby.

    What is their favorite thing to do/favorite toy?
    His favorite thing to do is eat. He also loves to play tug-of-war and chew on EVERYTHING. His new thing is to go to the neighbors yard and chew on their frozen dog poop because they don't pick it up. Ughhhhh.

    How will you introduce your new baby to your pets, if that needs to be done?
    He's still pretty wild since he's so young so I'm kind of nervous. I haven't really thought about it but I love your idea with the blanket. We are currently trying to teach him not to jump on people so I hope by the time baby comes he will be more well behaved.
  • @mommytati - I love Goldens! They're so cute, and so smart! I bet you'll have no trouble at all training him but I know the heartbreak of taking away their manhood...we did that to Tyson and the poor guy was so mad at us LOL.
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  • I have a maltese named Mya and a cat named Josephine (Joey). They are both 10 yrs old. Mya has a liver disorder and was supposed to pass away over a year ago...she never got that memo! She still acts like a puppy. I'm nervous about the cat with the baby she isn't very friendly but she really likes to keep an eye on everyone and sat vigil next to her dog sister when she was first really sick and having seizures. They are nuckleheads. I have a 4 month old niece so she is here all the time and I plan to have DH bring home a baby blanket so they get used to the scent before baby comes home. There will also be NO cosleeping in my house because both animals sleep in the bed and I'm afraid they will inadvertently smother the baby

  • Do you have any pets or want any pets? We have one

    How many/what kind? She is a Mastadors (bull mastiff/lab)

    What are their names? Raven

    What is their favorite thing to do/favorite toy? She lives her kings squeaky balls and rope.

    How will you introduce your new baby to your pets, if that needs to be done? She was great with our second so I have no worries but she does move babies around if they are on the floor and tries to nurse them. So we don't really leave babies on the floor with her. Little baby vs. 120 clumsy dog odds are not in my favor. But she is a total sweetheart to the kids. Just clumsy.
    DS #1 Born 01/23/09
    Married 03/18/10
    DS #2 Born 05/19/11
    DS #3 Due 07/26/15

  • Do you have any pets or want any pets?

    I have 2 short haired German pointer mixes that were both rescues. They are basically identical except one is a boy and one is a girl and we adopted them 4 years apart.

    How many/what kind?
    See #1

    What are their names?

    Maggie and Kody. With Kody we had a long list of potential names, but when we got him he was a runner and got out of our yard like 10x a day so we had to call him by the name he had at the shelter!

    What is their favorite thing to do/favorite toy?

    They love swimming at the lake and running wild off leash. They have a lot of energy.

    How will you introduce your new baby to your pets, if that needs to be done?

    This is going to be tough, one of them is very needy and jealous type. Firstly we need to train them better on leash and controlling their barking. I'm not sure how we will introduce them exactly... I need to read some tips on this.
    Me: 27 DH: 33
    Married 5/2012
    BFP 11/17/2014


    Pregnancy Ticker
  • I have two German shepherds! Named Diesel and Paisley!

    They love to play with socks and sticks even though we have spent hundreds of dollars over the year on great toys!

    They love to play fetch and guard the house!

    We also plan on sending a blanket with the baby's scent home. Although they are well behaved I'm nervous bc of their size! Also they are very protective and love having jobs (just in their nature) so we're thinking they may not let distant family and unfamiliar friends to them around the baby!
  • I just want to note that, I cannot believe that I titled this " Pets Addition " instead of "edition" Holy hell, pregnancy brain is in FULL swing right now.


    SMH @ myself.

  • I have two German shepherds! Named Diesel and Paisley! They love to play with socks and sticks even though we have spent hundreds of dollars over the year on great toys! They love to play fetch and guard the house! We also plan on sending a blanket with the baby's scent home. Although they are well behaved I'm nervous bc of their size! Also they are very protective and love having jobs (just in their nature) so we're thinking they may not let distant family and unfamiliar friends to them around the baby!

    I know what you mean about the toys.  When we got our dogs as puppies, we started with the cheap things, which only lasted minutes... then we had to progress onto th more expensive things...you know, the "indestructible toys" ... yeah, so much for that.. the ONLY thing that our dogs can keep longer than a day is the black Kong Extremes....We spend a few hundred dollars on toys to no avail... not even the moose antlers or whatever they are worked...So, now we have like 4 of the same toys floating around LOL... It's funny when our little one tries to run around chewing the big kong... It's almost bigger than she is LOL
  • ipumpkin said:

    I just want to note that, I cannot believe that I titled this " Pets Addition " instead of "edition" Holy hell, pregnancy brain is in FULL swing right now.


    SMH @ myself.

    I'm so tired today I didn't even notice! Lol
  • @inLOVEalready715 - It took me over an hour to realize it.  I was going to play it off like, addition...baby...haha...there's gonna be an addition to the family..... and then I was just like, " No, you totally F'd that up... "



  • Ooh I love pets!!

    We have lots! We have a dog named Tucci. He's a weimeraner and he's our super spoiled hunting buddy.

    We have two inside cats Zoe who is extremely chunky and lazy. Shes been following me around like a shadow and actually won't let my dog near me. She did this last time I was preg. Poor dogs scared of her. Then there's oliver which we call olly. Kinda want to name our kid that but too late now. He's a crazy little tomcat bit still so cuddly and loveable. We rescued him out of a boat trade in my dh was cleaning out for a dealership in town. He brought him home as a bday present. Best ever.

    We have Gus which is our very elderly and most days I think dying hedgehog. He likes to be left alone. We call him grumpy Gus.

    Then we have tao. She is our full bred 50lb bobcat. She has an awesome enclosure we built outside. My dh wanted her and I caved. I hand raises her and bottle fed her for three months. She's definatley a different pet but she is spoiled rotten.

    So yeah there is my zoo. We love our fur babies and spill the shit out of them daily.
  • That is so funny! We probably have the same dog toys! And although they may state "indestructible" they are no match! That is so cute that your little one plays with the dog toys! I can't wait for that!
  • Ooh I love pets!! We have lots! We have a dog named Tucci. He's a weimeraner and he's our super spoiled hunting buddy. We have two inside cats Zoe who is extremely chunky and lazy. Shes been following me around like a shadow and actually won't let my dog near me. She did this last time I was preg. Poor dogs scared of her. Then there's oliver which we call olly. Kinda want to name our kid that but too late now. He's a crazy little tomcat bit still so cuddly and loveable. We rescued him out of a boat trade in my dh was cleaning out for a dealership in town. He brought him home as a bday present. Best ever. We have Gus which is our very elderly and most days I think dying hedgehog. He likes to be left alone. We call him grumpy Gus. Then we have tao. She is our full bred 50lb bobcat. She has an awesome enclosure we built outside. My dh wanted her and I caved. I hand raises her and bottle fed her for three months. She's definatley a different pet but she is spoiled rotten. So yeah there is my zoo. We love our fur babies and spill the shit out of them daily.

    @juliekay25 - You really have a bobcat?! How cool! What is she like? I'm interested to know more, like you said, def. a different kind of pet there!
  • Oh gahd. Ok:

    I have 2 dogs: a GSD personal rescue named Finny and a Great Pyrenees/ husky rescue named Rambo.

    I have 5 cats: Coachie and Carlos were personal rescues as stray kittens under my parents porch. Mumbles is a foster I ended up adopting and her daughter Kipper. Sheena is another foster who I am trying to rehabilitate.

    The cats and dogs all love to play with eachother and their toys.

    I have a horse named Rookie and a mule named Bruce. They enjoy each others company.

    I have a bunny named Poptart and a rat named Little Joey. They just love food.

    Annnnd finally I have 14 hens and a rooster named Mr. McNugget.
  • That is so funny! We probably have the same dog toys! And although they may state "indestructible" they are no match! That is so cute that your little one plays with the dog toys! I can't wait for that!

    Dledwards17   Yes, indestructible My ass LOL....We even got that toy that is made out of fire hose thinking that would be good... I kid you not it lasted 10 minutes. I don't know if my dogs just like to maul things that much or if these toys are just a scam, LOL.
  • ipumpkin said:

    Ooh I love pets!!

    We have lots! We have a dog named Tucci. He's a weimeraner and he's our super spoiled hunting buddy.

    We have two inside cats Zoe who is extremely chunky and lazy. Shes been following me around like a shadow and actually won't let my dog near me. She did this last time I was preg. Poor dogs scared of her. Then there's oliver which we call olly. Kinda want to name our kid that but too late now. He's a crazy little tomcat bit still so cuddly and loveable. We rescued him out of a boat trade in my dh was cleaning out for a dealership in town. He brought him home as a bday present. Best ever.

    We have Gus which is our very elderly and most days I think dying hedgehog. He likes to be left alone. We call him grumpy Gus.

    Then we have tao. She is our full bred 50lb bobcat. She has an awesome enclosure we built outside. My dh wanted her and I caved. I hand raises her and bottle fed her for three months. She's definatley a different pet but she is spoiled rotten.

    So yeah there is my zoo. We love our fur babies and spill the shit out of them daily.

    @juliekay25 - You really have a bobcat?! How cool! What is she like? I'm interested to know more, like you said, def. a different kind of pet there!

    Yeah we got her when she was three weeks old. My dh never wanted to bottle feed her. I think I got him to do it like twice. So now she's attached to me and the dog only. She loves our dog. We had her in the house with us for two years and she used the litter box and slept with me. She randomly started peeing on the furniture when she was about 2. I think she was becoming sexually mature and marking her territory so we built s huge enclosure that a zoo would be jealous of outside and partially in one of our quansets so she has shelter. She loves it out there. We hunt all the time so she gets fresh meat all year round like deer, goose, rabbit, gopher, squirrel, fish but only if its perch. She has her thick fluffy silver winter fur right now and shes just so beautiful. We go play with her everyday. She loves to play fetch and to just rub all over the dog which comes in the enclosure with us to see her all the time. She acts more like a dog that a cat mostly. She doesn't meow she kinda chirps when she happy to see you and her purr is so loud I'd have to kick her out of bed for being noisy when she was little. She's a fun cat to have.
  • I always had a cat growing up - big dogs scared me cause I'm so small & then we got our dog :)

    Do you have any pets or want any pets?

    How many/what kind?
    1 dog - 4 year old Belgian Malinois - he's like a German Shepherd just smaller & has a tan coat

    What are their names?
    Jude. I have a thing for the Beatles

    What is their favorite thing to do/favorite toy?
    Sleep! I swear he's the laziest dog ever. We never had to crate him, he always stayed in the living room or kitchen. Super smart dog too - it took 2 weeks to potty train him. He also loves his Nyla bones.

    How will you introduce your new baby to your pets, if that needs to be done?
    I think we're gonna do what most of the ladies said - bring home a blanket with the baby's scent so he gets used to it. I'm a little nervous because Judes epileptic and has seizures daily & afterward he shows a bit of aggression - no biting or snapping just a lot of growling and teeth showing. He is on medication but it doesn't seem to be working now as well as it did when he first got it :(
  • My best friend, Nico, is a Shichon/Chihuaha mix who is 10 months old! He loves to go with me everywhere I go! He's so spoiled! His favorite toy is actually a cat toy. A small mouse that squeaks with movement. He goes crazy for it. On his second one now because he tore up the first one! He sleeps with me and dh right between us. Will be hard for him to share my time with a new baby. Not sure how we'll introduce them!

    Mother of 4 beautiful babies - soon to be 5!
    Mikey - 11/08/2000
    Eden - 02/23/2003
    Alora - 04/07/2006
    Elsie - 07/08/2015
    Expecting a baby girl 11/01/2016!!

  • I have one jackapoo (jack Russell-poodle mix) He is my love!
  • Do you have any pets or want any pets?

    Have :)

    How many/what kind?

    2, American Bulls

    What are their names?

    Mac-E & Pepper Potts

    What is their favorite thing to do/favorite toy?

    Sleep, they are the laziest dogs I have ever witnessed lol

    How will you introduce your new baby to your pets, if that needs to be done?

    Um, slowly. They are half outdoor/indoor and so more than likely I wont at first. I am kind of anti-dogs right now, my husband has been taking care of them. I smell everything and they stink even after their bath lol so maybe after a few groom sessions and my hormones decrease a bit; I will be more loving puppy momma.

    BabyFruit Ticker
  • Ooh I love pets!! We have lots! We have a dog named Tucci. He's a weimeraner and he's our super spoiled hunting buddy. We have two inside cats Zoe who is extremely chunky and lazy. Shes been following me around like a shadow and actually won't let my dog near me. She did this last time I was preg. Poor dogs scared of her. Then there's oliver which we call olly. Kinda want to name our kid that but too late now. He's a crazy little tomcat bit still so cuddly and loveable. We rescued him out of a boat trade in my dh was cleaning out for a dealership in town. He brought him home as a bday present. Best ever. We have Gus which is our very elderly and most days I think dying hedgehog. He likes to be left alone. We call him grumpy Gus. Then we have tao. She is our full bred 50lb bobcat. She has an awesome enclosure we built outside. My dh wanted her and I caved. I hand raises her and bottle fed her for three months. She's definatley a different pet but she is spoiled rotten. So yeah there is my zoo. We love our fur babies and spill the shit out of them daily.

    @juliekay25 - You really have a bobcat?! How cool! What is she like? I'm interested to know more, like you said, def. a different kind of pet there!
    Yeah we got her when she was three weeks old. My dh never wanted to bottle feed her. I think I got him to do it like twice. So now she's attached to me and the dog only. She loves our dog. We had her in the house with us for two years and she used the litter box and slept with me. She randomly started peeing on the furniture when she was about 2. I think she was becoming sexually mature and marking her territory so we built s huge enclosure that a zoo would be jealous of outside and partially in one of our quansets so she has shelter. She loves it out there. We hunt all the time so she gets fresh meat all year round like deer, goose, rabbit, gopher, squirrel, fish but only if its perch. She has her thick fluffy silver winter fur right now and shes just so beautiful. We go play with her everyday. She loves to play fetch and to just rub all over the dog which comes in the enclosure with us to see her all the time. She acts more like a dog that a cat mostly. She doesn't meow she kinda chirps when she happy to see you and her purr is so loud I'd have to kick her out of bed for being noisy when she was little. She's a fun cat to have.

    That is pretty neat! Are you in the US? I didn't know Bobcats could be pets! I always thought having a Lynx would be fun!
  • Do you have any pets or want any pets?

    Have :)

    How many/what kind?

    2, American Bulls

    What are their names?

    Mac-E & Pepper Potts

    What is their favorite thing to do/favorite toy?

    Sleep, they are the laziest dogs I have ever witnessed lol

    How will you introduce your new baby to your pets, if that needs to be done?

    Um, slowly. They are half outdoor/indoor and so more than likely I wont at first. I am kind of anti-dogs right now, my husband has been taking care of them. I smell everything and they stink even after their bath lol so maybe after a few groom sessions and my hormones decrease a bit; I will be more loving puppy momma.

    Ick, I know what you mean about the smell. My doggies have an odor to them too.. just the normal dog odor but with my heightened sensitivity, it makes me gag. I tried to bathe them last night, it got worse before it got better because then they smelled like wet dogs! lol.
  • Do you have any pets or want any pets?
    Yes, I have two doggies!

    How many/what kind?
    They are miniature weenie dog babies....the silliest looking dogs ever!

    What are their names?
    Our chocolate and tan 5 year old boy is named Tron and our white double dapple 11 month girl is named Macie.

    What is their favorite thing to do/favorite toy?
    Tron's favorite thing is to cuddle and sleep. Macie's favorite thing to do is lovingly attack Tron! ;-)

    How will you introduce your new baby to your pets, if that needs to be done?
    I plan on doing the send a blanket home idea as well, but my dogs are pretty scared of babies, so I feel like they will keep their distance. Plus-- they are so short they can barely even get on the couch, so that's a plus!
  • I always had a cat growing up - big dogs scared me cause I'm so small & then we got our dog :) Do you have any pets or want any pets? Yep! How many/what kind? 1 dog - 4 year old Belgian Malinois - he's like a German Shepherd just smaller & has a tan coat What are their names? Jude. I have a thing for the Beatles What is their favorite thing to do/favorite toy? Sleep! I swear he's the laziest dog ever. We never had to crate him, he always stayed in the living room or kitchen. Super smart dog too - it took 2 weeks to potty train him. He also loves his Nyla bones. How will you introduce your new baby to your pets, if that needs to be done? I think we're gonna do what most of the ladies said - bring home a blanket with the baby's scent so he gets used to it. I'm a little nervous because Judes epileptic and has seizures daily & afterward he shows a bit of aggression - no biting or snapping just a lot of growling and teeth showing. He is on medication but it doesn't seem to be working now as well as it did when he first got it :(

    That is so crazy!  We also have a Belgian Malinois!  Small world!

    Do you have any pets or want any pets? Yes

    How many/what kind? 2 dogs - both 4 years old - Lhasa Apso and a Belgian Malinois (he was a bomb detection dog in Afghanistan but got PTSD so is now retired)

    What are their names?  Charles is the Lhasa and Ody (Odysseus) is the Malinois

    What is their favorite thing to do/favorite toy?  Charles loves his "friends"  (stuffingless toys - his favorite now is a flamingo and a beaver) and Ody loves the "chuck-it" tennis balls - he has a kong but never plays with it.  I think because when he was working, if he detected a bomb, the kong was his reward. 

    How will you introduce your new baby to your pets, if that needs to be done? I think we will also try bringing home a blanket first.  Both dogs have been around kids before and are more inquisitive than anything so I'm not really worried about how they will react.

    BabyFruit Ticker
  • Do you have any pets or want any pets?

    How many/what kind?
    We currently have 1 dog a pure bred black lab. And 2 cats both rescues.

    What are their names?
    ours dogs name is Ruger, like the gun. He is 6 months old and ours cats names are Maggie (all black with a smidge of white) and Mocha (our crazy tortie)

    What is their favorite thing to do/favorite toy?
    Rugers favorite thing is to chase our black cat. And the cats favorite thing to do is avoid him like the plague.

    How will you introduce your new baby to your pets, if that needs to be done?

    We havnt really come up with a plan yet. But the blanket idea is probably will be a good place to start.
    Lilypie Fifth Birthday tickers PitaPata Dog tickers Lilypie Pregnancy tickers Daisypath Anniversary tickers
  • Since we're on this subject, maybe you all can offer me some help with something.

    I JUST learned that we have been blessed with the opportunity to go purchase all brand new living room furniture ( turns out, those warranties come in handy sometimes )

    Our first set was microfiber, which held the dog smell in pretty bad...then again, doggies were still puppies. From there we upgraded to "leather furniture" which I liked because it was SO easy to clean ( with animals and now soon to be baby...) but, it scratched easily, then it started to crack and peel up. ;\ ... What do you recommend? If you had cloth furniture, how did you keep it clean/smell free?


    I'm interested to get some other input on this...would really like something that lasts for awhile...

  • ipumpkin said:

    ipumpkin said:

    Ooh I love pets!!

    We have lots! We have a dog named Tucci. He's a weimeraner and he's our super spoiled hunting buddy.

    We have two inside cats Zoe who is extremely chunky and lazy. Shes been following me around like a shadow and actually won't let my dog near me. She did this last time I was preg. Poor dogs scared of her. Then there's oliver which we call olly. Kinda want to name our kid that but too late now. He's a crazy little tomcat bit still so cuddly and loveable. We rescued him out of a boat trade in my dh was cleaning out for a dealership in town. He brought him home as a bday present. Best ever.

    We have Gus which is our very elderly and most days I think dying hedgehog. He likes to be left alone. We call him grumpy Gus.

    Then we have tao. She is our full bred 50lb bobcat. She has an awesome enclosure we built outside. My dh wanted her and I caved. I hand raises her and bottle fed her for three months. She's definatley a different pet but she is spoiled rotten.

    So yeah there is my zoo. We love our fur babies and spill the shit out of them daily.

    @juliekay25 - You really have a bobcat?! How cool! What is she like? I'm interested to know more, like you said, def. a different kind of pet there!
    Yeah we got her when she was three weeks old. My dh never wanted to bottle feed her. I think I got him to do it like twice. So now she's attached to me and the dog only. She loves our dog. We had her in the house with us for two years and she used the litter box and slept with me. She randomly started peeing on the furniture when she was about 2. I think she was becoming sexually mature and marking her territory so we built s huge enclosure that a zoo would be jealous of outside and partially in one of our quansets so she has shelter. She loves it out there. We hunt all the time so she gets fresh meat all year round like deer, goose, rabbit, gopher, squirrel, fish but only if its perch. She has her thick fluffy silver winter fur right now and shes just so beautiful. We go play with her everyday. She loves to play fetch and to just rub all over the dog which comes in the enclosure with us to see her all the time. She acts more like a dog that a cat mostly. She doesn't meow she kinda chirps when she happy to see you and her purr is so loud I'd have to kick her out of bed for being noisy when she was little. She's a fun cat to have.

    That is pretty neat! Are you in the US? I didn't know Bobcats could be pets! I always thought having a Lynx would be fun!

    Yeah we live in north Dakota. We have to have a permit for her. It costs $15 a year and is the same as owning like a deer or elk. Every state has different laws though.

  • We got a real leather couch about a year and a half ago that has held up fantastically with those huge 100 pound dog paws! We previously had microfiber and your right, it holds dog smell. I would def recommend spending a little more if possible for a good quality real leather couch! And trimming/grinding those nails (:
  • Ooh I love pets!! We have lots! We have a dog named Tucci. He's a weimeraner and he's our super spoiled hunting buddy. We have two inside cats Zoe who is extremely chunky and lazy. Shes been following me around like a shadow and actually won't let my dog near me. She did this last time I was preg. Poor dogs scared of her. Then there's oliver which we call olly. Kinda want to name our kid that but too late now. He's a crazy little tomcat bit still so cuddly and loveable. We rescued him out of a boat trade in my dh was cleaning out for a dealership in town. He brought him home as a bday present. Best ever. We have Gus which is our very elderly and most days I think dying hedgehog. He likes to be left alone. We call him grumpy Gus. Then we have tao. She is our full bred 50lb bobcat. She has an awesome enclosure we built outside. My dh wanted her and I caved. I hand raises her and bottle fed her for three months. She's definatley a different pet but she is spoiled rotten. So yeah there is my zoo. We love our fur babies and spill the shit out of them daily.

    @juliekay25 - You really have a bobcat?! How cool! What is she like? I'm interested to know more, like you said, def. a different kind of pet there!
    Yeah we got her when she was three weeks old. My dh never wanted to bottle feed her. I think I got him to do it like twice. So now she's attached to me and the dog only. She loves our dog. We had her in the house with us for two years and she used the litter box and slept with me. She randomly started peeing on the furniture when she was about 2. I think she was becoming sexually mature and marking her territory so we built s huge enclosure that a zoo would be jealous of outside and partially in one of our quansets so she has shelter. She loves it out there. We hunt all the time so she gets fresh meat all year round like deer, goose, rabbit, gopher, squirrel, fish but only if its perch. She has her thick fluffy silver winter fur right now and shes just so beautiful. We go play with her everyday. She loves to play fetch and to just rub all over the dog which comes in the enclosure with us to see her all the time. She acts more like a dog that a cat mostly. She doesn't meow she kinda chirps when she happy to see you and her purr is so loud I'd have to kick her out of bed for being noisy when she was little. She's a fun cat to have.

    That is pretty neat! Are you in the US? I didn't know Bobcats could be pets! I always thought having a Lynx would be fun!
    Yeah we live in north Dakota. We have to have a permit for her. It costs $15 a year and is the same as owning like a deer or elk. Every state has different laws though.

    That is so cool! I'm in PA. We can't have anything fun. not even a deer. Some lady in our area was nursing a hurt Bambi back to health... I forget the whole story surrounding it, but she got thrown in jail and got tons of fines because of it.  We're not allowed to have anything like that around here...we can't even get permits... only special deer farms are allowed to have deer like that and even so there are strict rules and regs with it.  PA...can't do anything fun. LOL!


    Dledwards17 - Thanks for the suggestion! I think we're leaning towards leather again also. I just talked with my husband and we both agreed we like that route again...my mom suggested some kind of leather protectant too like saddle soap or something.  As for the nail trimming....sigh...if they weren't such big babies it'd be easier.  And Tyson has a problem with nail biting. He must take after me... so I'm not sure how to go about grooming his nails?

  • I have one Australian shepherd (mini) named Coco Pup. Her favorite things to do is watch house hunters and Big Bang theory with me and visit our local dog park that just installed a huge water feature. I'd like another Aussie but with a baby on the way, those two and my DH is prob all that I can handle. I'm planning on buying the crib and teaching her that baby [insert name here] sleeps there and then send a blanket with the baby's smell back home.
  • Oh boy, we have a lot of pets ..

    2 dogs, zara and Eve - border collie & Doberman. 2 cats, Minxy and Lenny, a green cheek conure, spock and a guinea pig and Rat, Camilla and Sarah.


    They all just love to eat. Zara, Eve and minxy love cuddles.

    Zara's fav toy is our socks :/

    Our cats probably won't bother when the baby comes home, the guinea pig, rat and bird won't be meeting baby and the dogs will be have to be closely watched and kept at a bit of a distance, they'll just wanna lick and jump on the baby.

    kladd7182 said:
    I have a husband, does he count as a pet?
    LOL sure!
  • KoalaknucklesKoalaknuckles member
    edited January 2015
    1) Do you have any pets or want any pets?


    2) How many/what kind?

    I have one female wolf spider. We saved her from being killed by my friend's cat.

    3) What are their names?

    Her name is Puddles.

    4) What is their favorite thing to do/favorite toy?

    Hunting crickets and looking menacing.

    5) How will you introduce your new baby to your pets, if that needs to be done?

    Puddles doesn't venture from her enclosure, so it won't be an issue.

  • We have one cat named Kevin. His favorite toy is a fur covered ball that rattles-- he loves playing fetch. Since I got pregnant he's been super clingy and he follows me EVERYWHERE! He also has been a very naughty cat because he recently discovered he can climb the blinds.
  • ipumpkin said:

    ipumpkin said:

    ipumpkin said:

    Ooh I love pets!!

    We have lots! We have a dog named Tucci. He's a weimeraner and he's our super spoiled hunting buddy.

    We have two inside cats Zoe who is extremely chunky and lazy. Shes been following me around like a shadow and actually won't let my dog near me. She did this last time I was preg. Poor dogs scared of her. Then there's oliver which we call olly. Kinda want to name our kid that but too late now. He's a crazy little tomcat bit still so cuddly and loveable. We rescued him out of a boat trade in my dh was cleaning out for a dealership in town. He brought him home as a bday present. Best ever.

    We have Gus which is our very elderly and most days I think dying hedgehog. He likes to be left alone. We call him grumpy Gus.

    Then we have tao. She is our full bred 50lb bobcat. She has an awesome enclosure we built outside. My dh wanted her and I caved. I hand raises her and bottle fed her for three months. She's definatley a different pet but she is spoiled rotten.

    So yeah there is my zoo. We love our fur babies and spill the shit out of them daily.

    @juliekay25 - You really have a bobcat?! How cool! What is she like? I'm interested to know more, like you said, def. a different kind of pet there!
    Yeah we got her when she was three weeks old. My dh never wanted to bottle feed her. I think I got him to do it like twice. So now she's attached to me and the dog only. She loves our dog. We had her in the house with us for two years and she used the litter box and slept with me. She randomly started peeing on the furniture when she was about 2. I think she was becoming sexually mature and marking her territory so we built s huge enclosure that a zoo would be jealous of outside and partially in one of our quansets so she has shelter. She loves it out there. We hunt all the time so she gets fresh meat all year round like deer, goose, rabbit, gopher, squirrel, fish but only if its perch. She has her thick fluffy silver winter fur right now and shes just so beautiful. We go play with her everyday. She loves to play fetch and to just rub all over the dog which comes in the enclosure with us to see her all the time. She acts more like a dog that a cat mostly. She doesn't meow she kinda chirps when she happy to see you and her purr is so loud I'd have to kick her out of bed for being noisy when she was little. She's a fun cat to have.

    That is pretty neat! Are you in the US? I didn't know Bobcats could be pets! I always thought having a Lynx would be fun!
    Yeah we live in north Dakota. We have to have a permit for her. It costs $15 a year and is the same as owning like a deer or elk. Every state has different laws though.

    That is so cool! I'm in PA. We can't have anything fun. not even a deer. Some lady in our area was nursing a hurt Bambi back to health... I forget the whole story surrounding it, but she got thrown in jail and got tons of fines because of it.  We're not allowed to have anything like that around here...we can't even get permits... only special deer farms are allowed to have deer like that and even so there are strict rules and regs with it.  PA...can't do anything fun. LOL!


    Dledwards17 - Thanks for the suggestion! I think we're leaning towards leather again also. I just talked with my husband and we both agreed we like that route again...my mom suggested some kind of leather protectant too like saddle soap or something.  As for the nail trimming....sigh...if they weren't such big babies it'd be easier.  And Tyson has a problem with nail biting. He must take after me... so I'm not sure how to go about grooming his nails?

    There are ways. I know many people in PA that have deer, skunks and even raccoons.
    DS #1 Born 01/23/09
    Married 03/18/10
    DS #2 Born 05/19/11
    DS #3 Due 07/26/15

  • We have two fur babies! They are both boxer doggies and they are amazing. We have a 2 year old brindle boxer named Elvis, and a 5 year old fawn named Cliff. They are 75+ pounds but their favorite thing to do is cuddle and pretend to be lap dogs. Incessant licking comes in by a close second. With DS we had the in laws bring a hat or clothes baby wore in the hospital and give them to the dogs to smell then they kept our dogs for a few days once we were home just til we got acclimated. They did fine with the babe and I honestly wonder if smelling the clothing did anything for them. Our older boxer just was drooling and desperate to lick baby from head to toe and the younger one (only 6 months at the time) didn't seem to realize anything changed. We will do the same this time but I'm sure they'll care even less. Now Cliffy and DS are the best of friends and both dogs are beyond tolerant and amazing with our son. Boxers really are the best! image
  • Do you pets or want any pets? 1 dog, a start to my collection of all the dogs, ever.
    How many/what kind? 5 month old German Shepard (mix)... Not sure with what though
    What are their names? Jackson
    What is their favorite thing to do/favorite toy? His favorite thing to do is be attached to my side (I doubted the stories about GSDs picking a "person" and being a total Velcro dog with them.... He tries to shower with me guys.) His favorite toys are socks and ham bones. Also when I put peanut butter in his Kong he knows it has to stay in the bathtub so he doesn't make a mess.
    How will you introduce your new baby to your pets, if that needs to be done?
    I'm slightly concerned because he gets jealous if I'm paying attention to someone else, he's not aggressive, he just nudges himself in between. But he's also the most loving and protective little guy in the world.

  • How many/what kind?
    I have a 5 year old golden retriever lab mix we adopted from a rescue shelter.

    What are their names?
    His name is Murphy.

    What is their favorite thing to do/favorite toy?
    He loves W-A-L-K-S and gets irrationally excited if the word comes up, however irrelevant the conversation. : ) He loves tennis balls, napping, and the dog park...especially other people at the dog park.
    His dislikes include water, hair dryers, vacuum cleaners, and anything that can suddenly make noise (like scary shopping bags or plastics bottles).

    How will you introduce your new baby to your pets, if that needs to be done?
    We plan on setting up some of the baby equipment early and will introduce him to something that smells like baby first. He's pretty good with other people's kids, but hasn't spent too much time with babies. If our older kids are rough housing with their dad he'll bark to let DH know to knock it off. : ) Hopefully he doesn't start to bark every time I pick up a crying baby!
  • Do you have any pets or want any pets?

    How many/what kind?
    1- she's an English bulldog

    What are their names?

    What is their favorite thing to do/favorite toy?
    Besides sleep all day, she likes to tear apart her squeaky toys just to get the squeaker out and then doesn't touch the toy again

    How will you introduce your new baby to your pets, if that needs to be done?
    I'm not to sure yet. She's been around my niece when she was a newborn and was very curious about her. Now that my niece is older she's all about licking her face.
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