July 2015 Moms

Just need to vent ..

So this is my first pregnancy as I've mentioned the few times I've posted, these emotional hormones are really starting to get to me and my anxiety is through the roof . Sorry ahed of time if anything is tmi.. But me and my fiancé both work full time jobs and come home around dinner time we eat together and then usually watch some tv, play on our phones , etc . But lately I've just felt so distant .. Like we don't cuddle , we haven't had sex in almost a week and the last time we tried he was too drunk and it just wasn't even worth it to try . It's just being emotional and trying to get used to all these changes going on with my new body and not feeling as sexy as before im trying so hard to just not let my mind get the best of me and it's hard . It is really hard. I don't feel comfortable or sexy at all and I'm trying here .. The whole first trimester I was sick and he complained all the time that I didn't love him and he didn't feel happy because I always had an excuse and now I'm finally feeling better and he's tired all the time ? I guess I just wish he was atleast trying to make me feel sexy or wanted .
I know I'm probably over thinking this whole thing but I couldn't help but vent on here.

Re: Just need to vent ..

  • I am sorry you are going through this. Perhaps you need to sit down with your partner and explain normal pregnancy signs to him. A pregnancy book geared at the partner might be a good idea too. I know my husband has said since reading the expectant father book that he has a much better understanding of what I am going through and what to expect
  • It's okay just try and relax. I would talk to him and let him know that you have got your mojo back and you would really like some special time. You guys should go on a date and make really sweet and just enjoy each other. I hope you
    feel better and everything will be fine ;)
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  • I can completely understand ! Between feeling like a whale, body changes, and to feel distant, it can take a toll ! Maybe when he actually gets to see your belly growing and feel the baby kick he will realize that you feeling tired is real! Hoping you feel better!
  • I'm sorry that you're not feeling good about things with your fiance right now xx

    The ladies above have some good suggestions.

    I feel ya though, my boyfriend hasn't told me he loves me in two weeks and it's bothering me way more than it should.

    And my sex drive is way higher than his, so I'm sure he's getting irritated with me humping his leg all the time, so that makes me feel worse.

    Ah, pregnancy.
  • As silly as it sounds, sometimes it just helps to put the phones away and focus on each other. Try it! It can't hurt. Good luck lady. Embrace your new body too! It's a beautiful thing.
  • Ah, everything you said sounds like my life... I know what your going through. But it gets better. Sat my husband down the other day & told him how I felt. It helped alot. Also try the date night maybe do some cute lingerie? Always helps with my husband.
  • These are great suggestions, it helps so much to know I'm not alone in my feelings . Thank you ladies :x
  • I'm sorry to hear this. I talked to my husband the other day cause I felt like I was not getting any love. I told him I needed som extra loving. And he has been making an effort. So maybe just tell him how you feel? Good luck girl!
  • I'm sorry, this is a wonderful but also scary and confusing time. Communication is so important. Make special time for eachother, share your feelings, good and bad. Books and education are always great DH has read 3 books since our BFP and it's really helped him to feel involved and lessen his fears. ( don't let him read Dude so you're going to be a dad, it's a waste of time) good luck!
  • It's not good to not have a connection during pregnancy, but don't feel like you have to have sex to maintain that either. I was on pelvic rest most of the time with my son, and my h did a good job of finding ways to stay close.
    Married DH <3 : 7/7/12; 3 fur babies (2 dogs and 1 cat)
    DS born 9/3/13; DD born 7/22/15; LO due 5/28/18
    FS (age 5) and FD (age 2) to become AS/AD very soon!

  • I can relate to this. Me and my partner have been going through a rough patch. Had a really bad argument last Sunday ended in tear, him walking out and a hole in one of my doors, not good. We had a few hours apart and then got things off our chest. He has agreed he's going to be more involved and try be more excited about our new arrival, also said he's going to try be more sensitive towards me. Hopefully it will pass over for you too, but talk about how u feel otherwise you will just keep going around and around. Took me awhile to think of what I wanted to actually say and to say it without crying, but touch wood things have been alot better.
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