January 2015 Moms


lasawyer91lasawyer91 member
edited January 2015 in January 2015 Moms
This is simply a vent cause I'm frustrated so bear with me ladies! I have been having contractions pretty regular since 330am. They finally got close together around 3 in the afternoon, I called my doc and she said head into l&d. They put me on the monitor and verified I am indeed having real contractions. I was only 2 cms dilated though so they sent me for an hour walk. After the walk there was no change in my dilation. I'm home now to dilate some more. They said come back once my contractions get more intense. I know some of you have been through similar situations and all I can do is wait but come on baby give mama a break! :-S

Eta cause words are hard, and mobile bumping kicks my butt

Re: *vent*

  • I've had contractions off and on for a few weeks. Usually not for more than a couple hours. But they last around a minute long and are a minute and a half apart. They don't get very painful or closer together (not that they can get much closer together) and clearly aren't sending me into labour yet. This is my 3rd baby. You would think I would know what's happening. But I don't. Every one has been so different!
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