January 2015 Moms

Stomach virus

Hi guys, I'm new here! I just came home from hospital yesterday with baby boy and my 4 year old began vomiting last night and my 2 year old has a bad case of diarrhea! Yesterday before they became ill they were hugging him and kissing him and now I'm worried he will get it! Also, I had a csection and am horrified at the thought of vomiting! I can barely sneeze or laugh! Any tips? Advice?! Help!!!

Re: Stomach virus

  • At this point, there isn't much that you can do except keep them apart now. Remember, your baby still has much of your immunity right now, so hopefully that is enough to keep him healthy. Are you breastfeeding? If so, your LO will be getting lots of antibodies through your milk too, so that should help.
    I'm sure you know, but definitely give your pediatrician a call if your baby comes down with any symptoms.
    Good luck!!
  • Yes I'm breastfeeding. Hopefully we all stay healthy! Thanks for your thoughts :)
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