January 2015 Moms

Frustrated- long post

I had my membrane sweep yesterday, which started early labor for me. I was so excited! I for sure thought baby is coming! I was have contractions every 7 to 8 min but they were pretty light. My doula told me to get some sleep and that if I hit active labor during the night to call. I woke up and was still crampy but contractions were few and far between. Then they kicked back up around 10 am and I took a walk and I was 1/1/4! I was ready they were hitting hard, I got back to my house and called my doula. She told me to stay at the house for another hour and see what happens, walking is great for getting labor going but they need to continue even if I'm not walking... So i finished packing my bag, did a little dance and for sure thought we were going to the hospital and then boom no more contractions. so I texted my doula who said that is common to rest and not be so hard on myself, baby knows when to come. I went for another walk later in the day to try and jump start the contractions again and it worked for the walk but back at home nothing. No contractions for two hours :( my husband just let me cry, I was so excited and so ready for my baby today. But today is just not baby's birthdate... It is crazy how frustrated and disappointed I am. And I know that's silly but I was so excited and ready.

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