So I definitly have gained weight since I first got my pg test at the doctors. Not a ton, maybe like 5lbs in the last few weeks. I havent been over eating, if anything I've been trying to switch my diet more natural and healthier.
Any reason or ideas as to why I may have gained early? Or if anyone else went through this?
Just scary, I hope i just balance out soon. Couldnt take that rapid of a gain! lol
Thank You!
Re: Weight Gain in the first 2 months?
Oh that happened to me the first time around! I gained five pounds within the first 10 weeks of pregnancy. I can't tell you what it was from (it was over 5 years ago) but I do know that I indulged a bit too much at the beginning. I'm at week 11 with my 2nd and I've only gained about 1 pound. It should balance out as long as you aren't living off milkshakes and candy!
Speaking of which...a milkshake sounds so good right about now!
Yea, Ive been trying to walk and do some elyptical work... not every day, but a few times a week.
Im sure the holidays didnt help!!
Twins run in both our families! thats what people keep saying when i asked bout gaining weight.
Milkshakes do sound good lol!! but yeah no candy bars... haha.. ive pretty much been eating better now then i had pre-pregnancy...
hopefully it allw orks out and i dont have a monster baby inside !
HAHA unfortunatly i know what you mean!!
this is my first.. so im new at all this crazy stuff
Oh yes I know that..
just reading all the pregnancy books, make it seem like theres time frames on when your supposed to gain weight etc...
just wondering
) thats all
I joke with my husband that I pre-gained my pregnancy weight over the last few years. ?I've actually lost weight due to M/S, eating smaller portions and eating healthier this first 3 months. Well I've lost weight in my face and my arms visibly speaking, but probably have leveled out due to my huge boobs and re-distributed middle section.
I never actually weigh myself and don't own a scale. Perhaps the doctor can keep the actual weight to themselves and just let me know how much has been gained without giving me a final number????
I gained a ton of weight when I was pg with DS. It topped out at about 55 lbs all together. That is a ton! I gained a lot in the beginning too.
Guess what, in the end no big deal. I lost all of it after him, plus 10 lbs of extra crap I put on trying to get pg with him. I didn't diet, or even have time to exercise. I just watched what I ate and chased him. I think every body is totally different. Don't get worried about it. I also think 1st time Mom's seem to put on more weight (my guess is because they have more time to eat and relax than people with little ones, at least I did). Some visits you will go to the Dr and dread getting on the scale and others, not too much will happen.
If all pregnancies went like the books say, my dear, we'd never have to pay for doctor's visits, because everything would be perfectly normal, and we'd automatically only gain our perfect amount of weight...
Sadly, though, we live in the real world, where your weight can change 5 times over the course of a day, you can't crap worth anything, and sometimes, the only food that sounds good is the one that comes back up 5 minutes later.
And I don't mean to sound like I'm harping on ya.... :: hugs ::: trust me, I wish it were as the book says too! This is my first also and I feel like I have no clue what is going on with my body at any given time!
But this is why we have these boards - to share our concerns, doubt the books, and eat whatever the heck we want when we want it. Darnit, we're PREGNANT!
On that note, I think it's time to raid the pickle jar... all those pickle posts a few days ago put me on a kick.... DARN YOU GIRLS!