Hello everyone! This hasn't been posted in awhile so I figured I'd start it up again.
This is for those of us due the 6th, 13th, 20th and 27th.
If you still have an inside baby:
How are you keeping busy/sane while you wait for your LO to arrive?
How many weeks are you?
Any appointments?
Do you have an eviction scheduled? If so when? Are you nervous/excited about it?
Are you experiencing any contractions?
If your LO is in the outside (super jealous btw

Did you have a boy or a girl? SS if you're feeling fiesty

How old is your LO today?
Did your labor go the way you planned?
How are you feeling? Are you keeping an eye on your PP blues?
Pictures please!
Re: ~*~ Tuesday Ticker Change ~*~
I'm trying to "nest." My maternity leave officially started yesterday so I've made it my goal to do one area of the house a day until she comes.
How many weeks are you?
40 exactly!
Any appointments?
I have one tomorrow morning. Hopefully they will tell me the contractions I felt yesterday have made me progress a little more. If not then we will be discussing an induction date.
Do you have an induction scheduled? If so when? Are you nervous/excited about it?
Nope, not yet.
Are you experiencing any contractions?
Yes, but they aren't consistent enough to get too excited about...I never thought I'd be excited to feel time able pain lol
Rant: so thought I was going into labor yesterday! Unfortunately my contractions stopped around 9pm and never came back.
Rave: Our rocker is ordered and should be here next week! Besides that the nursery is completely done! My husband also has a second interview today at 3pm for a job he has been wanting forever! I really hope he gets it!
How many weeks are you? 39 weeks!!! Due the 27th
Any appointments? This Thursday I have an appointment and ultrasound
Do you have an eviction scheduled? If so when? Are you nervous/excited about it?
Are you experiencing any contractions?