While my bleeding is extremely minimal at 3 weeks, it's still bright red. Anyone else have this? Debating if it deserves a phone call to the OBGYN? I'm thinking no since it's so little... (I could wear a regular pad all day without having to change it - not that I would do that, but for reference)?
I'm gassy, like really bad. With no where but this tiny room to let them loose and hope that a nurse doesn't come in. Oops.
I farted everytime the nurses came in and felt my stomach. They were very pleased I was passing gas.
I farted when the nurse rolled me over on the delivery table. The anesthesiologist gave me a REALLY heavy epidural because it wasn't looking good, and I was possibly going to need a c sec. So apparently I had very little sphincter control, lol.
Anyone else waking up drenched in sweat every night? Sleeping in just underwear and sheet and still sweating buckets. So gross. I'm washing my linens every other day. How long does this lovely postpartum phase last?
I have a major milk leaking problem...every time I feed from my right boob, the left one soaks through a nursing pad and down through my bra and shirt. Ugh can't my milk production just even out already?! I now permanently smell like sour breast milk because I shower and then feed LO and it happens all over again
Anyone else waking up drenched in sweat every night? Sleeping in just underwear and sheet and still sweating buckets. So gross. I'm washing my linens every other day. How long does this lovely postpartum phase last?
5 weeks PP and it still happens here.
At least it means we're losing weight, right?
I'm usually pretty good at changing the sheets once a week. I'm now thinking about upping that to every other day. I've been using burp cloths as sweat-between-my-boobs-and-lower-back wipes. And sleeping with a hand towel under my torso. Because I'm the grossest.
@jmcmoe I havent had my baby yet so not sure how well they work but I got some Lily Pads from target that are supposed to actually keep the milk in your boob instead of just soaking up the milk. I'm excited to try them!
Tried to DTD last night with DH... It seriously wouldn't go in... So much pain, I assume that's normal at 39 weeks and did what we could to enjoy ourselves anyway but my sex life has been 0 pretty much the entire 3rd tri-mester and the drive is still there... Sexual frustration and hormones are not a good combination. DH is also being too understanding about this... Like doesn't he miss this too!? How long after birth before sex felt good again!?
BFP #1: Dec 2013, MMC Feb 2014 @ 13 wks due to Turner's Syndrome
I'm gassy, like really bad. With no where but this tiny room to let them loose and hope that a nurse doesn't come in. Oops.
I farted everytime the nurses came in and felt my stomach. They were very pleased I was passing gas.
I could see them being pleased if I was the patient but since we are here for B I think my gas is a nuisance that will go under their face masks and sit there until they can leave the room.
OMG the blood when I got out of bed for the first time after my c-section yesterday. It looked like a murder scene. Blood everywhere. The bed, the floor, the bathroom. Apparently, the night nurse used a small pad and should have helped me change several times but didn't. Thirty minutes later, I was all cleaned up and back in a bed that didn't look like a prop from a Wes Craven film.
Per DH's request, I put a puppy pad (I got a bunch because they make awesome disposable changing pads) under my side of the sheets in case my water breaks while I'm sleeping. Apparently they also hold heat better than a blanket. I woke up so drenched in sweat that for a second, I really thought my water had actually broken. I got all excited, only to be let down again.
@jmcmoe I havent had my baby yet so not sure how well they work but I got some Lily Pads from target that are supposed to actually keep the milk in your boob instead of just soaking up the milk. I'm excited to try them!
I have these and while yes they keep the milk in, if you are sweaty while they're on they also trap in sweat so be prepared for that! I feel like I can only wear them for an hour or so, basically I use them whenIcan't wear a bra, eg formal night on a cruise so I'm not wearing them that long.
Do not stop taking your stool softener too early PP... trust me it just hurts and is not worth it. I skipped one day and really regretted it!
Yep, I made that mistake. It's been 5 days since I've pooped, and I'm officially scared. I took my stool softeners for the last 3 days and today took 2 ex-lax. I'm still waiting. This could be bad.
Sorry for all of you ladies having pooping issues! I'm having the opposite problem, and for the sake of my sanity please let it be a sign of labor coming! I jacked wet wipes from the nursery because my toilet paper feels like needles!
Sorry for all of you ladies having pooping issues! I'm having the opposite problem, and for the sake of my sanity please let it be a sign of labor coming! I jacked wet wipes from the nursery because my toilet paper feels like needles!
Re: TMI Tuesday
Also, still rocking out in mesh panties from the hospital. Yes I did take 9000 pairs during my hospital stay.
This is a serious question.
I'm usually pretty good at changing the sheets once a week. I'm now thinking about upping that to every other day. I've been using burp cloths as sweat-between-my-boobs-and-lower-back wipes. And sleeping with a hand towel under my torso. Because I'm the grossest.
6 months from now when I'm listening to my baby girl giggle all of this will be a funny memory right? [-O<
DH is also being too understanding about this... Like doesn't he miss this too!?
How long after birth before sex felt good again!?
BFP #1: Dec 2013, MMC Feb 2014 @ 13 wks due to Turner's Syndrome
BFP #2: May 26th 2014!!!
Yep, I made that mistake. It's been 5 days since I've pooped, and I'm officially scared. I took my stool softeners for the last 3 days and today took 2 ex-lax. I'm still waiting. This could be bad.