I have my RCS and tubal scheduled for 7:30am tomorrow. I'm really nervous about it and would like to know if anybody had it done and if you noticed more pain with recovery. Also, how much longer did it take in the OR?
I had it done last Monday but as a ftm I really can't compare the difference pain wise. Also, I was warned by my nurses that my doctor liked to take his time and according to the timer, it took 38 minutes for everything. I will say that I had my staples removed yesterday and I dont miss them at all!!! Good luck!
Did this yesterday. No extra time - although I had twins last time so everything was shorter! So far pain is the same or less. Good luck to you! Even if a bit tougher, it has to be better than an additional operation or procedure, right?
After 2 losses, IVF #2 brought us our little boys.
Now we're waiting on our miracle baby ... a little GIRL!!!
I didn't notice extra pain compared to my first c-section. It seemed like it took an extra 10 minutes or so, but I wasn't watching the clock. It was pretty fast. Good luck!
I had this done almost two weeks ago. It was my second csection but didn't seem to take much longer at all. I had a spinal this time (epidural after long labor last time) so I was very comfortable and was just chatting with DH and looking at LO so it seemed to fly by. I maybe had a little more pain the second night while I was in the hospital but I over did things right before when my DD came to visit so my pain was probably from that and not from the tubal. My recovery has been super easy and I felt great just a few days after he was born. Close to normal now! Good luck tomorrow!
Re: Tubal w/ c-section
Now we're waiting on our miracle baby ... a little GIRL!!!