January 2015 Moms

Upset stomachs and lots of them!

hey ladies, I'm just wondering if anyone has ever gotten upset stomached before going into labor? I've never had morning sickness before not even with my first but I did have the occasional tummy ache but I'd use the bathroom and that was it. Well today I have literally gotten 5 upset stomachs (more painful then ever before) and would have to run to the bathroom. I've never been like this before, to ably a dumb question to ask but I have been told that sometimes it's a sign of the baby dropping more and getting ready for labor. But I rather hear that from someone that has actually had this happen before not just random things read lol I was trying not to think too much into it but just had to go again and this is just not like me

Re: Upset stomachs and lots of them!

  • Thank you in advance, and I hope everyone is doing well (: (sorry it didn't post everything)
  • I can safely say I'm currently in the exact same situation so maybe we'll both go in the next few days! Fingers crossed ay, I'm already 3 days past EDD and getting really uncomfortable x
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  • I had diarrhea on a Monday and Tuesday and went into labor that Saturday. Don't know if they had anything to do with each other.

  • I learned at my birth classes that loose stool is a sign of oncoming labor. Fingers crossed!!
  • I'm only 38 weeks 4 days. I went almost full term with my first. But I would not mind having her a few days early lol I just got checked for the first time yesterday and was dilated 3cm and 50% effaced. (I know sometimes that doesn't matter) but that was seriously the worst experience ever! I told my husband I would rather have Kinsley then go through all those upset stomachs again. Worst pain ever! Hahah
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