January 2015 Moms

LO cries only at night

my new boy, 8 days old, only cries at night and is only quiet when he's BF. My poor husband's roll is to soothe him after I nurse to give me a break. We have supplemented 1oz of formula, done the 5 S's of a happy baby, rocked in car seat, burped, changed him, skin to skin, and he still cries so much that he has made himself hoarse. He usually calms down around 5am. Any advice would be amazing!

Re: LO cries only at night

  • This might be totally off but with my first baby, he would cry for hours on end and NOTHING would stop it. Then a friend said that I should monitor how I feel while he is screaming. And I found an interesting pattern. If I was really tired, he screamed. If I felt stressed, he screamed. If I needed to do something important - he screamed. If I was worried that he would scream....He did. It was as if he could pick up the tension or exhaustion and it made him insecure.
    I learnt to manage my emotions ( with one of the babies i needed medication to help me do that) but it was a life saver.

    Maybe (and again I could be way off) you might be having the same problem?

  • Have you tried a pacifier? I dont know if you want to but it really helped in my case. It turned out that my LO constantly needed something to suck on.

    Hang in there though, it gets better as he grows up a few days older.
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  • Growth spurt probably. Let him nurse.

    Also, some babies like to suck more then others, try a pacifier.

    Also, if your frustrated, he's frustrated.

  • Also, does he have a clean diaper on? Some babies are extra sensitive to a wet/dirty diaper.

    Have you swaddled him?

    Do you do skin to skin?

    Is he too hot, or too cold?

  • It's pretty common for babies to want to nurse a lot in the evenings and to be fussy then too. He's probably about to hit a growth spurt and is trying to increase your supply.
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  • Some babies have their days and nights flipped for a while too. My LO needed to be held during the night for her first 3 nights. It's rough, but until they get themselves sorted (and it can take up to three weeks), sometimes you just need to give in and hold them. Can you nap during the day?
  • My little man also refuses to sleep at night and screams his head off. The odd time he will take a pacifier but it's hit and miss. He is the worst with DH trying to soothe him (because he doesn't take my tips seriously) but I have some luck with him cuddled in an upright position (like Buddha) because he doesn't like to lay flat EVER. We sleep with him on our chest sitting up sometimes too but let's just say I don't get very much sleep...
  • That's a good idea. I have heard that too...but you know how it is when those baby blues kick in, it almost impossible to stop them! Thank you, tho, I'll try a little harder and see how it goes!
  • We've tried a pacifier but he tends to spit it out. He does better with our pinky fingers, which calms him for a bit but more often than not he starts back up again within minutes of removing it (and it's only removed when he lets it fall out)
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