July 2015 Moms

Severe lower abdominal pain during sex?

Anyone else? I'm 13 weeks and Everytime we start to really get into it I start getting a pinching/stabbing feeling in my lower stomach. It was bad enough tonight that we had to stop :/ it's been this way since I got pregnant but I feel like it's getting steadily worse. I know for a fact that I have no std's/hpv or bladder infection.

I just wanna get laid without the pain. This SUCKS.

Re: Severe lower abdominal pain during sex?

  • I haven't experienced this, just offering my sympathy because that would suck big time.

    I'm 14 weeks and pretty much humping my boyfriend's leg whenever we're not doing it.

    Does it feel that way in every position you try?
  • Pretty much. Especially from behind or any time it goes too far in. It was so bad tonight I smacked him in the head. I felt bad but it was just a knee jerk reaction because it was an all of the sudden pinching feeling and it scared the crap out of me. We tried again but gave up because once the pinching/stabbing feeling starts it doesn't go away :( I hate this.
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  • Ah man so sorry!! I had this for the first like two months this pregnancy and it is awful. It did go away for me but if it's getting worse I think asking your ob would be beneficial.
  • If it is because he's hitting your cervix maybe try shallow penetration. Also I t may be possible that the stimulation is causing your uterus to contract.
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  • Orgasms can cause contractions in your uterus. So maybe even if it's not a full blown orgasm it's enough to have contractions. Does ur belly get tight?
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  • It happened to me. My DH had strictly decided afterwards it wasn't worth putting me in pain. I spoke with my OBGYN a couple days later and she said to try again after a week of rest- It's normal for the sex to add to all the stretching and movement going on in the uterus and abdominal area while your body adjusts to growth in there. We waited about two weeks just for paranoid/precautionary reasons and tried again and it hasn't hurt again since. Just give it some time- some people experience it, some don't. We weren't active during the majority of the first trimester due to all my "morning" sickness- I was way too nauseous all the time to even try. After 14 weeks the sex has been great- and I meannnnn grrrrrrreeeeeatttttt! I hope it does get better for you- just take a breather and try again. It did for me- most definitely. Just make sure you DO talk with your OBGYN or your on call midwife...they always like to know these things, especially any cramping or spotting from sex. So, talk to them, take a breather, and I hope everything works out for you.!
  • Did you discuss with your OB?
  • Had this with all my pregnancies. Honestly you'll just have to experiment and find positions that don't hurt you. It's 'normal'.... Good luck!!!
  • Sounds like round ligament pains. I feel that some times too on the rare occasion me and the hubs attempt to be amorous. Just try different positions til you find one that works. :)
  • I think I'm just going to give it a rest and see how I feel in a week or so.. Hubbs is gonna love that. But for me the pain just isn't worth it. Luckily I haven't had any spotting but I just don't want to push my luck. To me pain is a sign that something just isn't right.. I'm going to bring it up at my doctors appt on Monday.
  • Sex hurts for me too nothing about it is enjoyable. It really sucks. I hate not being able to give him what he wants but I do it anyway and just bear it because it really doesn't hurt that bad more than it's just uncomfortable. Orgasms do hurt my uterus though and that makes me sad.
            DD~July 14, 2015

  • ButtonsLuverButtonsLuver member
    edited January 2015
    My midwife said sex is normal even if it feels a little painful but serve lower abdominal pains means you need to stop having sex altogether because when you're having sex it can cause you to go into early labor. I forget all the detail because it didn't apply to me but something about opening your cervix or something I don't remeber and I might have that wrong but the point is just stop having sex.
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