January 2015 Moms

LO cries only at night

my new boy, 8 days old, only cries at night and is only quiet when he's BF. My poor husband's roll is to soothe him after I nurse to give me a break. We have supplemented 1oz of formula, done the 5 S's of a happy baby, rocked in car seat, burped, changed him, skin to skin, and he still cries so much that he has made himself hoarse. He usually calms down around 5am. Any advice would be amazing!

Re: LO cries only at night

  • My two week old has nights like that, too. I feel like I just can't make her happy.. the only thing that works some nights is letting her fall asleep while on the boob, I'll already be propped up in the recliner so that I can fall asleep there and not have to move her at all. I'm literally doing that as I type.. I think the first growth spurt is 7-10 days.. so you may be in the midst of that. :-\ I hope you get some rest soon!
  • I didn't know about the growth spurt...probably explains why he nursed for 20min intervals and each boob twice...for 1 hour and 20min and then nursed again at 2hr mark. Thanks for advice!
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  • My mom told me that sometimes they have a time at night where they come unglued. My son is three days old and he has his days and nights mixed up right now. Taking little naps throughout the day help me with being tired from that. Keep working on the 5 S's. I know I will be.
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