I originally had a different screen name here on TB. Then something went down (don't remember what) but everyone basically was changing their names. My original name was my name, middle initial, last name initial plus the year I was born, so I wanted something more discrete. Anyway, so I chose LaBellaVida, which is Italian for 'the beautiful life ' I think it's just a pretty saying, and figured it would be an awesome screen name.
Wellllll I got the nickname shehulk years ago at a party. One guy was purposefully pissing me off so I kinda snapped, grabbed him and lifted him up by his shirt and slammed him against the wall. His response was, "woah, calm down there shehulk." We all laughed jt off and my friends decided it was a fitting name for me, so it stuck. 23 and 7 are my two favorite numbers so that's where that came from. I use shehulk as a screen name in multiple places but with variations on the numbers.
4 little bears, because I now have 4 children. Bears because an old, beloved, babysitter of mine used to call me Julie Bear because I was cute but could be really grumpy. So they're MY little bears. I don't use this anywhere else though.
I originally had a different sn too, but changed it when someone here mentioned you could change it via theknot.com I chose Mom2Case because Case is my little boy who passed away last November. I want to see his name and have people know I'm his mom. I don't use that sn anywhere else.
"Beanie" Natural 7w MC 11/21/12
"Nole" stopped growing at 7w3d D&E 2/11/13
Diagnosed with MTHFR and Factor V Leiden on 4/3/13
Everything about my screen name is completely random and I don't use it anywhere else. My knot sn was my real first name and numbers I always used. When I came over to TB I wanted to be more discrete.
My original sn on TK had my ex's last namr. This one is sweetdreamz for my horse's "full" name Sweet Dreams of You. 67 is my number....the way back in the day one to let the person you paged know who they were calling back. 00 for the year I graduated.
Wow I feel so creative. My SN is pretty much my name and the first letter of my surname. And yes...I guess I use the first name everywhere. Hahaha. And I chose to go with it because after 5 pregnancies, porridge brain is a reality. At least I wouldn't forget the name, right?
Mine isn't super creative either. I don't let a lot of people call me Lizzy, but my mom's friend growing up used to call me Miss Lizzy and I just loved it. 82 was the year I was born.
Re: GTKY: Your screen name?
Anyway, so I chose LaBellaVida, which is Italian for 'the beautiful life ' I think it's just a pretty saying, and figured it would be an awesome screen name.
M-first initial of first name
Shepherd-maiden name
20-birthday is on the 20th of April
Swarth is half of my last name.
"Beanie" Natural 7w MC 11/21/12
"Nole" stopped growing at 7w3d D&E 2/11/13
Diagnosed with MTHFR and Factor V Leiden on 4/3/13
Due with RAINBOW GIRL 2/10/15
Now we're waiting on our miracle baby ... a little GIRL!!!
TTC since 11/2009; Lap/HSG/Hysteroscopy: 5/2011 (endometriosis - removed; endocervical polyp - removed; high pressure in bilateral tubes - cleared)
BFP #1: 8/4/11; DS1 born sleeping on 11/16/11 at 19w1d
BFP # 2: 5/7/12, EDD 1/10/13, DS2 born 1/4/13
BFP # 3: 11/8/13, EDD 7/17/14, mmc 10wks
BFP # 4: 5/16/14, EDD 1/15/15, praying for our 2nd rainbow baby
Super exciting stuff. I use this one pretty much everywhere though.