January 2015 Moms

Big baby

I scheduled my csection for this Friday because they claimed my baby was 8lbs. (I had gd). I went into labor last Friday. The dr was still trying to convince me that I should try vag birth. I explained my fears. I had my csection and delivered a 9 lb 8 oz girl. They said if I made it to my scheduled csection she could have been 10-12 pounds.

Re: Big baby

  • I know quite a few ladies who have vaginally delivered 10lb babies. It can be done. It's the head size that really makes the most difference whether baby will fit, not the weight.
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  • What about the shoulders? They could get stuck if the baby is too big. The scans aren't 100% accurate. Better safe than sorry!
  • I gave birth to an 8lb 6oz girl and yes I tore but it was from her shoulders and not her head. I had second degree tears all over and it hurts but I would rather have this than a major surgery. I'm able to get around and managing my pain well. I would hate to be so limited due to a cs.
    BabyFruit Ticker
  • The dr concern was the shoulders. This was my 4 child but the size and shoulders were my concen for this delivery:
  • I'll throw in my two cents...

    If mom really wants a cesarean, give mom a cesarean. Birth trauma comes in all shapes and sizes and it starts with care providers who don't listen to mom.

    I think it makes sense that your OB encouraged you to consider a vaginally delivery given the increased risks that come with cesarean birth, but that he/she performed a cesarean when you insisted.
  • After the csection they told me I made a good choice. It took 2 days for her sugars to stabilize. Other than that she's here and healthy.

  • Congrats on your baby girl!



  • Just got my c section scheduled for Thursday morning because my baby is so huge, head is over 99th percentile, and genetic disposition for 4th degree tear. I agree moms should be able to decide if there is good medical reason.


    "As long as I live you will live. As long as I live you will be loved."

    BFP#1 3/31/12 EDD 12/1/12,No HB 6/6/12 (14 weeks 4 days), D&C 6/11/12 (15 weeks 2 days)*Arabella Ann*

    Lilypie Angel and Memorial tickers


    BFP#2 5/21/14 EDD 1/27/15 *GROW BABY GROW*



  • Good luck tomorrow. All four of my births were different. Please start the stool softener immediately. If you plan to breast feed, look up the football hold. Don't forget to post pics
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