January 2015 Moms

Elevated blood pressure before labor

Hi ladies! I haven't posted on here too often, but wondered if anyone else had the same experience. I usually have extremely low blood pressure (around 90/70). I went for a check up today and it was 123/83. I don't think it has ever been so high! The midwife wasn't concerned, but it kind of freaked me out. I haven't been eating anything unusual and was not anxious or stressed prior to the appointment. Anyone else have a similar experience? I was induced at 41.5 weeks with my son and never showed any signs of labor or blood pressure changes. Thanks in advance for any advice or similar experiences.

Re: Elevated blood pressure before labor

  • Mine has been slightly elevated for the past 2 weeks but is back down today
    BFP #1 09/26/2013 EDD 06/04/2013 MMC 11/01/2013
    BFP #2 05/15/2014 EDD 01/24/2015

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  • Mine was slightly elevated starting at 39 weeks. It was still elevated today but my OB wasn't concerned as I don't have any signs of pre-e
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  • This is me as of Friday. I run lower like you and mine was 119/78 I think. I feel like its super abnormal especially since I've never had a reading that high but the doc didn't seem to think it was a big deal. She was hopeful this meant I'd go into labor sooner than later.

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  • 120/80 is "normal" so I wouldn't be worried.
  • I haven't had any problems with blood pressure this time, but with my first pregnancy I ended up on a week of bed rest and then induction the day before my due date because of high blood pressure. I remember really laying low on bed rest and it made no difference. But I would follow what my doc said...if yours isn't concerned, but you are - call and ask!
  • Mine is up a little bit, My OB said that it was very normal and it naturally rises in the last few weeks. 
  • Thanks for the advice! I'm hoping to go into labor without induction this time. I was hoping a rise in BP would be a sign that things are moving in that direction. Fingers crossed!
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