January 2015 Moms

Random tattoo rash that is driving me insane!

GBakeGBake member
edited January 2015 in January 2015 Moms
Not sure whether it's pregnancy related or not (going to gp tomorrow and midwife on weds) but I'm 40+1 weeks pregnant and this past week have come out in a rash around my belly button and now on my thigh. My belly has started to calm down with the use of a cold compress but my thigh is flaring up like no mans business! I have a large tattoo there which I have had for years, and it is where the rash is - like, the ENTIRE tattoo has a rash under it.

Any ideas?? Is this PEP?? Any hints to what will ease the unbearable itching? I really don't need another excuse to not be sleeping :'(


Re: Random tattoo rash that is driving me insane!

  • I have lots of tattoos and mine get swollen and itchy all the time, pregnant or not. They sometimes look 3D...it's pretty weird. For me, it's just my skin and how my body takes to the ink. Definitely show your doctor to rule anything out.
    Pregnancy Ticker
  • Mine so that too. Just like @cassied7 I think it's just a histamine reaction. I just take Bendryl and it goes away.
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