Sorry in advance for the rant! Prior to being pregnant, I had insomnia, so I have always dealt with sleep issues- I just used to have medicine to help with it. I haven't slept more than 2 hours at a time during the pregnancy, but last night hit a new low. After being awake until 3 a.m., I tried to go back to bed to sleep, but just started crying from exhaustion, pain, and let's face it, hormones. I took myself to the bathroom so I wouldn't disturb my husband and cried my eyes out for two hours, laying on the floor trying to sleep, but not being able to stop crying.
I kept thinking about how everyone tells me and "jokes" about how I need to get my sleep now because once the baby comes, I won't sleep for another 20 years. It might be funny to some people, but if you truly have sleep problems, it's a really scary thought. It made me scared- if I couldn't pick myself off the bathroom floor and wipe my tears like a grown up, how am I going to do this with a baby? And then after maternity leave, how will I do all of this and go back to work? Already getting anxiety about leaving my precious little girl and feeling guilty about it too.
Okay, end of rant. Phew, I feel better already : )
Re: Hit a new low last night
My personal experience is that since my LO has been born I've slept very little, but my body is functioning just fine. I've had a couple breakdowns but my husband has been very supportive and they are short lasting.
Your body will know what to do. If you do have concerning issues with sleep and anxiety don't hesitate to let your doctor know. Take each day one day at a time.
"As long as I live you will live. As long as I live you will be loved."
BFP#1 3/31/12 EDD 12/1/12,No HB 6/6/12 (14 weeks 4 days), D&C 6/11/12 (15 weeks 2 days)*Arabella Ann*
BFP#2 5/21/14 EDD 1/27/15 *GROW BABY GROW*
I SAH now, but worked when my first two kids were born, and it was still more manageable to be up with the baby and go to work than be pregnant and go to work. Maybe the same will be true for you. Hang in there! I know it really sucks when you can't sleep but are so freaking tired all the time.