January 2015 Moms

Hit a new low last night

Sorry in advance for the rant! Prior to being pregnant, I had insomnia, so I have always dealt with sleep issues- I just used to have medicine to help with it. I haven't slept more than 2 hours at a time during the pregnancy, but last night hit a new low. After being awake until 3 a.m., I tried to go back to bed to sleep, but just started crying from exhaustion, pain, and let's face it, hormones. I took myself to the bathroom so I wouldn't disturb my husband and cried my eyes out for two hours, laying on the floor trying to sleep, but not being able to stop crying.

I kept thinking about how everyone tells me and "jokes" about how I need to get my sleep now because once the baby comes, I won't sleep for another 20 years. It might be funny to some people, but if you truly have sleep problems, it's a really scary thought. It made me scared- if I couldn't pick myself off the bathroom floor and wipe my tears like a grown up, how am I going to do this with a baby? And then after maternity leave, how will I do all of this and go back to work? Already getting anxiety about leaving my precious little girl and feeling guilty about it too.

Okay, end of rant. Phew, I feel better already : )

Re: Hit a new low last night

  • I'm sorry you are struggling with insomnia. I too hate when people say "better get your sleep now". I would then always tell people how amazing our bodies are that they actually prepare us for less sleep before the baby even arrives. I would then explain to them that I was getting very limited sleep despite trying to soak up as much sleep as possible.

    My personal experience is that since my LO has been born I've slept very little, but my body is functioning just fine. I've had a couple breakdowns but my husband has been very supportive and they are short lasting.

    Your body will know what to do. If you do have concerning issues with sleep and anxiety don't hesitate to let your doctor know. Take each day one day at a time.
    BabyFruit Ticker
  • I would make sure to talk about this with your doctor.  And ask for as much help as possible doing things like cooking and cleaning (and if your bottle feeding then feeding too).  It's important you take care of yourself too!  Good Luck!  And feel free to rant here anytime!

    BabyFruit Ticker


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  • I have two and one otw honestly i have slept max 3 hours a night for past few month i too suffered greatly from insomnia prior to pregnancy. Breast feading greatly helps you and baby rest. Also i napped with my freshly breast fed baby on the boppy in my arms on the couch for 20 min throughout the day and felt great. My body has actually been at its best freshly having a baby! Sending love and know you are already ALL your baby needs.
  • I'm with you. I sleep at most 3-4 hours per night. Last night was maybe 1 1/2.


    "As long as I live you will live. As long as I live you will be loved."

    BFP#1 3/31/12 EDD 12/1/12,No HB 6/6/12 (14 weeks 4 days), D&C 6/11/12 (15 weeks 2 days)*Arabella Ann*

    Lilypie Angel and Memorial tickers


    BFP#2 5/21/14 EDD 1/27/15 *GROW BABY GROW*



  • I did not sleep hardly at all in the weeks leading up to having my son. I has so much anxiety about having another c section that I just couldn't. I'm still having major problems sleeping when he sleeps at night right now so I feel terribly for you. I can tell you from experience though with my 4 yr old daughter, that everyone will tell you how awful the sleep is after the baby is born. No one glorifies the fact that you can literally sit up staring at your little one all night long and be perfectly okay with it. You will be in awe of your little one, and you might even be glad to have their company even if it is in the middle of the night. I just tell myself how quickly they do grow and soak up every moment that I can. Even if it is at 3 a.m.
  • My doctor approved me to take ambien as needed through out my pregnancy. I haven't needed it but it was an option for me. If your not against it you could always discuss it with your doctor
  • I did/do not have insomnia, so I won't pretend to know how you must feel. I did wake often during the night at the end of pregnancy and now with little one to feed. I found when I was pregnant that a warm bath or shower with some piano or relaxing music helped reduce some of the stress. It helped me relax to be able to sleep, and if not sleep at least feel a bit refreshed.
  • You'll be able to do it, part of your crying most likely has to do with all of the hormones, I know the fact that I wanted to do the dishes but didn't feel able to this morning nearly had me in tears but when ds #1 was born I was able to get a ton done because I wasn't in constant pain, I was literally reorganizing the linen closet and cleaning in our guest bathroom which dh usually takes care of, since I felt so much better...that probably stopped around when the lack of sleep finally got to me at 5 weeks but that's when I discovered side laying andnapping while baby ate. They tell you to sleep when baby sleepsbutdid the opposite, I ate and did stuff while baby slept and relaxed and napped while baby ate. It was perfect and I hope I can do it with this lo!
  • You'll be able to do it, part of your crying most likely has to do with all of the hormones, I know the fact that I wanted to do the dishes but didn't feel able to this morning nearly had me in tears but when ds #1 was born I was able to get a ton done because I wasn't in constant pain, I was literally reorganizing the linen closet and cleaning in our guest bathroom which dh usually takes care of, since I felt so much better...that probably stopped around when the lack of sleep finally got to me at 5 weeks but that's when I discovered side laying andnapping while baby ate. They tell you to sleep when baby sleepsbutdid the opposite, I ate and did stuff while baby slept and relaxed and napped while baby ate. It was perfect and I hope I can do it with this lo!
  • thanks for all the support! in the hospital now for an induction that my body seems to be stubborn about.
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  • I've battled insomnia and anxiety off and on for years. It sucks!! Have you tried Benadryl to sleep? My doctor recommended it to help me sleep. Plus I made it my little tradition to take an Epsom salt bath with essential oils every night right before bed (while waiting for be drug to kick in) to help with my anxiety. For me, the benadryl doesn't keep me asleep, but it does help me fall asleep faster. Everyone keeps telling my to get my rest and get some sleep, but some nights it seems impossible.
  • I am experiencing so much pelvic pressure and hip pain that I hardly sleep.  If another person suggests it's good I'm overdue because I can get more sleep before the baby comes, I am going to lose it. 
  • First, hugs!!!! Second, I too have insomnia on a normal basis, and it's so much worse during pregnancy, especially third tri. I truly wanted to slap people that joked "get your rest now!" In my experience, sleeping is sooo much better with a newborn than during pregnancy. Even with waking every couple of hours, the sleep I get is more restful than any sleep I had in 3rd tri.

    I SAH now, but worked when my first two kids were born, and it was still more manageable to be up with the baby and go to work than be pregnant and go to work. Maybe the same will be true for you. Hang in there! I know it really sucks when you can't sleep but are so freaking tired all the time.



  • edited January 2015
    I recommend that you speak with you doctor about your insomnia. I take sleeping medication which helps a lot. I also like to take hot baths about 3x per week to relax. I hope you're able to find something that works for you.


    Pregnancy Ticker
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