Message from @caitylady12 from around 9:30 PM last night : We're officially getting this party started! If things haven't progressed by seven they will start the pit.
Still haven't gotten any updates this morning, fx that everything is going okay for her and LO!
Update: "We started the cervix softening at midnight and I was at a ten by seven. We let her labor down on her own and started pushing at ten. She arrived at 10:37 exactly 27 years 7 days and 59mins earlier than me. She is 8lbs 5oz and 21.25 inches! Absolutely perfect! "
Congrats on your sweet girl, @caitylady12 !!! Looking forward to your birth story and pics (:
Re: @caitylady12 is being induced today!
Still haven't gotten any updates this morning, fx that everything is going okay for her and LO!
Congrats on your sweet girl, @caitylady12 !!! Looking forward to your birth story and pics (: