Hi all

I am jamtoast, I'm a mother of 2 boys (who shall remain nameless). We are team green, always have been always will be! Happily married for 5 years, and baby #3 on the way. I still have "are we insane!?" moments, but we are very excited as it took us quite some time to concieve this third little one. What else can I say .... Getting a little tired of the cold already. Can't wait for spring!! And I'm due July 6th.
I was a member of the bump with my first and second and I loved it but since then had email changes so I hadn't signed up again. I read up on all the shenanigans that just went down here and may I just say, I wasn't sure if I wanted to stay after all that. How sad to lose long time members so suddenly for no good reasons at all. But it's nice to see that there are people staying to try to make thing better, good for you ladies!! I hope to get to know you all better.
Re: Hello and good morning! (new-ish)
Natural miscarriage @ 8 weeks - 3/8/2005
Big Brother "Skippy" born - 2/28/2007
Missed miscarriage - (EDD 3/5/2013) - D&E @ 11 weeks - 8/8/2012
"Hen" (EDD 6/7/2013) - born sleeping @ 19 weeks - 1/15/2013
"G-Unit" born - 4/14/2014 and he's 100% perfection!!