January 2015 Moms

4th degree tearing

My labor and delivery process was definitely a rough one. It ended with a beautiful baby boy and 4th degree tearing. To be honest I feel like the healing is going much better than what it could. The nurses made comments in the hospital about what a good job the doctor did and were surprised when I took my first shower and sat directly on the shower chair without a donut.
I was wondering if others would be willing to share their healing experiences. I usually Google anything under the sun, but this is the one topic that I had to stop looking at after about 2 minutes because of all the scary stuff I was coming across.

Any long term effects?

Amount of healing time?

Any personal suggestions? I'm currently eating fruits and veggies, fiber bars, taking stool softener, sitz baths, icing, and trying to not overdo it when I get a spare minute or two.
Unfortunately I don't think I'm getting up enough because LO constantly wants to feed and sleep at the boob.
BabyFruit Ticker

Re: 4th degree tearing

  • Don't overdo it on the fibre, too much can have the opposite effect. Lots of water, limit dairy, lots of kegels to get the blood flow back in that area.
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