Here's the size chart:
Weeks? Food/Fruit?
Rants? Raves?
Are you over due on your due date or did you go over? How long?
What do you want to eat as your first post baby meal (if you could have anything)?
~~~Congratulations to our new Mommas!!~~~
How old is LO Weeks/Days?
Rants? Raves?
What is something you've learned from this LO that you hadn't before (even if this isn't your first rodeo)?
What gestational age was your baby when (s)he was born?
Re: **Monday Ticker Change**
I stole the questions from other ticker changes because I'm bad at making conversation...
Weeks? Food/Fruit? 39weeks - Watermellon
Appointments/Updates? Next appointment is on Tuesday
Rants? Raves? I will NOT have another cervical check until I'm in labor... I've been in pain ALL week from the last one. The check itself wasn't bad at all but the pain afterward was bad. I might do a sweep myself like stargirl had talked about months ago.
Are you over due on your due date or did you go over? How long? Not overdue yet... but I get a feeling I will be.
What do you want to eat as your first post baby meal (if you could have anything)? An italian sub and sweet baby jesus beer!
I have my appt today! I'm getting checked, and another sweep done. Typically I wouldn't, but I'm facing induction. .. so I'd like to avoid that! I have my mfm on Thursday, if I make it that far.
No rants or raves.
No. Not over due. I won't be going over dye either. In fact, I've never been over due with any of my kids. They all came during my 39th week!
I haven't had to limit myself with food this pregnancy, so I'm not looking forward to much as far as a specific meal. Just depends on what I feel like at the time.
How old is LO Weeks/Days?
5 days old :-)
Her weight check appointment is tomorrow night.
Rants? Raves?
Feels SO good to finally have my baby in my arms. I am so in love.
What is something you've learned from this LO that you hadn't before (even if this isn't your first rodeo)?
All babies are different. This one has been a good eater/sleeper so far. WAY different from DD1.
What gestational age was your baby when (s)he was born?
40W 2D
My CS is tomorrow at 7:30 am!!!! I am ridiculously excited and keep tearing up thinking about it.
Rants? Raves?
I will totally rave about my mom. Last night she brought over enough freezer meals to feed DH and I for at least two weeks. She even wrote funny little notes on each one and brought us snacks to go with them.
Are you over due on your due date or did you go over? How long?
Nope, tomorrow will be 39w1d.
What do you want to eat as your first post baby meal (if you could have anything)?
Can I eat beer? Lol. I hadn't thought about it and I've been a rule breaker most this pregnancy so I don't feel deprived of anything. I'll just eat whatever is there. But I guess if I could eat anything at all, I'd want to slurp a dozen raw blue point oysters on the half shell and have some parmesan encrusted hogfish. Apparently I'm craving seafood this morning.
Weeks? Food/Fruit? 39 weeks /Watermelon
Appointments/Updates? I have an ultrasound and appointment on Thursday.
Rants? Raves?
rant: I accidentally told my dad some bs about my grandpa.... Long story short he was mad... We talked it over and came to an agreement... However, I really don't know what will happen.... Also, I cannot stand anyone's jealously over how flexible and normal I seem through this pregnancy.... yes, I can sit on the ground on my knees , I have energy to play with your 1 year old.... Everyone is different... (I dislike the pain in my ribs.... hurts so bad...)
raves: I am finally getting my shit together!
What do you want to eat as your first post baby meal (if you could have anything)?
Honestly, I'll probably not have a preference. I am not big on food.... even now
How old is LO Weeks/Days? 5 days
Appointments/Updates? None yet, pedi appointment tomorrow. He's doing awesome but very hungry like his brother.
Rants? Raves? BFing is hard. I'll be calling a LC this week. We still can't get the latch exactly right. DH says I'm not trying hard enough, which makes me want to punch him in the face, but he's right that sometimes I just give up rather than relatching because I figure it's good enough even if not really right. Rave - I LOVE just holding and snuggling DS2. Sweet little snuggly baby.
What is something you've learned from this LO that you hadn't before (even if this isn't your first rodeo)? The latching stuff - I also had issues with BF DS1, and I think if I can work with a LC and get the latch fixed, that will help. Also I accidentally had a med-free L&D because there was no time for an epi, and I was terrified of that, but I learned that I can do it, and it wasn't too bad.
What gestational age was your baby when (s)he was born? 39w2d, exact same as DS1, and the time of birth was also within 20 minutes of DS1. Also all of their stats (weight, length, head circumference, chest circumference) were all the exact same.
Weeks? Food/Fruit? 39 weeks/Watermelon!
Appointments/Updates? I had an appointment on Friday. Apparently still closed up tight. Tomorrow is RCS day if I don't go into labor sometime in the next 18 hours.
Rants? Raves? No real rants. Obviously, my rave is that I will have a baby TOMORROW!!! Nursery is all ready to go. I think we have all the details in order. Ready or not, here she comes.
Are you over due on your due date or did you go over? How long? Nope-- EDD is 1 week from today, but again, baby will be here tomorrow.
What do you want to eat as your first post baby meal (if you could have anything)? I haven't decided yet. I need to go read what the rest of you wrote for inspiration!
Appointments/Updates? Nope, but she suddenly seems to be filling out, and looks so much bigger!
Rants? Raves? Too tired to rant or rave today....but I really want some chocolate chip cake.
What is something you've learned from this LO that you hadn't before (even if this isn't your first rodeo)? I've learned that all pregnancies are different (subsequent babies aren't necessarily earlier!).
What gestational age was your baby when (s)he was born? 40w3d.
Appointments/Updates: We go Wednesday for his 2 week recheck. He'd lost 12.5% of his birth weight, so I'm hoping he's gained a good bit back.
Rants/Raves: LO sleeps ALL day, has to be woken up to eat, but last night he would only sleep 2 hours at a time
Something you've learned from this LO: Put the diaper on immediately after bath time. He's had blow out poops on 3 towels already!!
Gestational age when born: 37 weeks 2 days. He was scheduled to be born today at 39 weeks but my Csection was moved up due to preeclampsia.