January 2015 Moms

**Monday Ticker Change**

Here's the size chart: https://pregnant.thebump.com/pregnancy/pregnancy-tools/articles/how-big-is-baby.aspx

Weeks? Food/Fruit?


Rants? Raves?

Are you over due on your due date or did you go over? How long?

What do you want to eat as your first post baby meal (if you could have anything)?


~~~Congratulations to our new Mommas!!~~~

How old is LO Weeks/Days?


Rants? Raves?

What is something you've learned from this LO that you hadn't before (even if this isn't your first rodeo)?

What gestational age was your baby when (s)he was born?

BabyFruit Ticker


Re: **Monday Ticker Change**

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  • @Britt1406 - Happy Anniversary and Happy Due Date!!!

    BabyFruit Ticker


  • @babystandish i love the first pic of your LO... he looks like he's singing Opera or something :)

    BabyFruit Ticker


  • kilayla13kilayla13 member
    edited January 2015

    Weeks? Food/Fruit? 39 weeks /Watermelon

    Appointments/Updates? I have an ultrasound and appointment on Thursday. 

    Rants? Raves? 

    rant: I accidentally told my dad some bs about my grandpa.... Long story short he was mad... We talked it over and came to an agreement... However, I really don't know what will happen.... Also, I cannot stand anyone's jealously over how flexible and normal I seem through this pregnancy.... yes, I can sit on the ground on my knees , I have energy to play with your 1 year old.... Everyone is different... (I dislike the pain in my ribs.... hurts so bad...)

    raves: I am finally getting my shit together!

    What do you want to eat as your first post baby meal (if you could have anything)?  

    Honestly, I'll probably not have a preference. I am not big on food.... even now

  • Mrs_BennettMrs_Bennett member
    edited January 2015
    How old is LO Weeks/Days? 19 days.

    Appointments/Updates? Nope, but she suddenly seems to be filling out, and looks so much bigger!

    Rants? Raves? Too tired to rant or rave today....but I really want some chocolate chip cake.

    What is something you've learned from this LO that you hadn't before (even if this isn't your first rodeo)? I've learned that all pregnancies are different (subsequent babies aren't necessarily earlier!).

    What gestational age was your baby when (s)he was born? 40w3d.
  • @Mrs_Bennett - cute pic... heres some cake!image

    BabyFruit Ticker


  • I hope I have a squish to AW on Wednesday, so here is my 39 week picture! image

  • @labellavida - Beautiful!  Good Luck wendesday!

    BabyFruit Ticker


  • How old is your LO? 12 days

    Appointments/Updates: We go Wednesday for his 2 week recheck. He'd lost 12.5% of his birth weight, so I'm hoping he's gained a good bit back.

    Rants/Raves: LO sleeps ALL day, has to be woken up to eat, but last night he would only sleep 2 hours at a time :( I've also wound up exclusive pumping after a series of complications, and it's annoying but going as well as it can I suppose.

    Something you've learned from this LO: Put the diaper on immediately after bath time. He's had blow out poops on 3 towels already!!

    Gestational age when born: 37 weeks 2 days. He was scheduled to be born today at 39 weeks but my Csection was moved up due to preeclampsia.
    Baby Birthday Ticker Ticker

    BabyFruit Ticker
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