This could get long so I apologize if it does.
I had been in early labor since Saturday the 10th. Contractions 4 minutes apart and rather intense. Then they would slow down when I would start calling people or think about. Every day I began to get more and more tired and emotional over continued contractions but knowing I could realistically go for another month like that. I also began to worry I wouldn't know when it really was time and would end up giving birth all alone with no one but my 2 year old to help me.
Wednesday evening I moved out to the couch to try and get some sleep. It was the best sleep I have gotten in a long time and I woke up Thursday feeling refreshed and more positive. I spent Thursday finishing up some cleaning that I had been neglecting and laundry and cooking. I went to bed Thursday night with no contractions. At 2 am I moved back out to the couch and try and get some sleep. A few minutes after 3 I was awoken by the sound of a pop. I opened my eyes and thought I am peeing I need to get up. I stood up and it was like a water fall. Just kept coming and coming and coming. I yelled into my husband that my water broke. He came out and asked what I needed and I told some towels to clean myself up and to lay on the floor and I needed a depends. I called my midwife at 3:12 to let her know that my water just broke. She told me to try and get a little rest and call her back in an hour and let her know if things were picking up. As soon as I got off the phone I had a really strong contraction.
As soon as it was over I called my mom so she could come get my daughter and called my doula who said she would be over in just a little bit. I didn't even want to move out of my living room. The contractions were coming fast and hard. I felt like I was freezing so asked my husband to get me a blanket to wrap around me because I couldn't stop shaking. After a few more contractions I decided I wanted in the shower to try and warm up and make it through the contractions. My doula arrived just as I was about to get in the shower. She stood outside and with every contraction would talk me through it. My husband worked while I was in the shower to get the birth pool blown up. I could hear the pump and thought I should probably get out of the shower so there was water for the pool. I got out and put a few clothes on. I barely made it out of the bathroom when I told my husband and doula that I was going to be sick. They helped me back into the bathroom just in time. Somewhere between my shower and me getting sick my photographer arrived.
When I finally got done in the bathroom I was able to make it back out to my living room. Contractions were coming on top of each other and so hard. I looked at my husband and said "my mom was right! I can't do this. I just want to go back to bed I can't handle this anymore." My doula was rubbing my back and said "you are doing it! Every women hits this point and it means you are in transition and so close to meeting your baby. You are a rock star."
About that time my midwife walked in. She got to work on checking the pool and tried checking babies heart tones. She couldn't find it with me standing so asked me to sit on the couch so she could get it. She quickly found his heart rate and went back to setting everything up. While she was working away my body started pushing. I yelled that he was coming my body wanted to push. My midwife came into my face and said I really need you to not push right now. When you get a contraction I need you to take small shallow breaths. We don't want you to tear so we are going to breathe him down for a few contractions. Right about then her assistant walked in the door. They decided to get me to lay down on the couch while they tried to finish filling the pool. I had already given up on my water birth. After a few contractions of breathing him down my midwife checked his heart rate again and told me with the next contraction I could do whatever felt natural and push with my body. After 3 contractions she said she could see his head and asked if I wanted to move to the birth pool it was ready if I wanted it. I told her I didn't think I could move. She said "well I never thought we would be having a baby on the couch but let's do this mamma." Everything hurt and I cried with every push. 30 minutes of pushing and my son came into the world.
He was born at 6:12 am. Exactly 3 hours after I called my midwife to let her know my water broke. After he was born he got to lay on my chest and we waited for my placenta. Even after my placenta was born the cord was still pulsing so we waited a few minutes longer for it to finish and then clamped it and my husband cut it. After he was free I handed him over to my husband so he could do skin to skin and I could get in the shower to rinse off. My doula made me breakfast while I was in the shower. I ate as my midwife examined me and discovered I just a small tear that needed only 3 stitches. After I was stitched up we did our sons newborn exam right on our bed. 8 lbs 1 oz, 20.5" long and perfect. He has been breastfeeding like a champ and his sister is in love with him. So nice to be at home and not have to worry about going anywhere. Here are a few pictures that my photographer took and then one that I took after my DD met her little brother.
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Re: Baby Cole's birth story