January 2015 Moms

Cold/sinus pain

I'm 39 weeks and I've had a cold for the last couple of days. Last night I started feeling pressure in my sinus' and my jaw hurts. Almost like I have a sinus infection. Has any one else had this? Should I be concerned? I mean my face hurts! :(

Re: Cold/sinus pain

  • I'm 39 weeks and finally getting over my cold that started last week. At this point, you should be going to your doc weekly, right? I would have them check it out to make sure it's a cold and not a sinus infection. My face hurt so badly, too- I put a humidifier in my room and took steamy showers to help loosen the congestion, but pretty much colds just have to run their course and you'll feel miserable while it happens : (  Hang in there though!! Drink plenty of fluids, get your vitamin C, and rest as much as you can (is sleeping possible at 39 weeks though?!).
  • I have one too and my doc said to use regular Sudafed to try to kick it. But you can't use Sudafed after you have baby if you want to breastfeed because it will dry up your milk in a day!
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  • I have been battling my sinuses since Thanksgiving, starting with sinus pressure headaches. Week of Christmas I caught a cold and my throat and ears have been aching/sore ever since. I just got through a round of antibiotics but still, throat and ear hurts. It's my damn sinuses (I usually take allergy meds year round to avoid these issues, but decide no such drugs during pregnancy for me). I drink a ton of water and the pain subsides quite a bit, but every night it gets bad because I refuse to drink water (getting up 5+ times to pee is enough!!). I would have your doctor check to make sure it hasn't turned into an infection, that can start a fever and the infection could spread. But otherwise just stay extremely hydrated, rest, up your vitamin C intake (I love Emergen-C), and drink some hot tea (I love echinacea tea to ward off colds/infections with lots of honey). Good luck!
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  • I just got over a sinus infection. I ended up being put on antibiotics, but I was drinking lots of orange juice, water, hot water w lemon, gargling salt water, sleeping with a humidifier and taking hot showers:) try to rest as much as possible too!
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