January 2015 Moms

C-section moms, I need some advice

Very long story short, I found out today that I will be having a scheduled C-section on Tuesday at 38 weeks and change.

This is my third kiddo, and both of my boys were vaginal births. We don't have family in town. My husband was planning on staying with the boys, and I was going solo to labor and delivery.

My question is, how much help did you need in the hospital during your C-section and in recovery? Do I need to see about hiring someone to help out?

The best laid plans of mice and men I guess. I am so not mentally prepared for this.

Re: C-section moms, I need some advice

  • I couldn't imagine not having my husband there to help me in the hospital. I've had 2 c sections. Its incredibly difficult to do much of anything and my hospital kept me hooked up to everything (IV, cath, squeezy boot things) for 12 hours after surgery before they got me out of bed. The nurses were great but it was a busy hospital and unless it was an emergency they didn't always get to the room all that quick. I would recommend having at least someone there with you, even if not your husband.

    Good luck!!
    BabyFruit Ticker

    Baby Birthday Ticker Ticker
  • Agree with pp, it depends how busy ur hospital/birthing center is and how attentive the nurses r. Personally I couldn't do this without my husband cuz he helps get me in n out of bed, changes the baby so I don't have to keep getting up and brings the baby to me for feedings and such. I am a FTM so this is my first C section but I'm 2 days post partum and I'm just able to get in n out of bed alone but I couldn't imagine doing it more than a few times to pee.
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  • In the hospital I had a lot of help with my husband. At home I've also had a lot of help. DD is 11 days old and I'm just now getting where I can get up/down and bending over to pick things up off the floor without much help. I think every surgery/patient is different so hopefully you'll be on the mend sooner!
  • The first day or 2 are a little rough to get out of bed, get baby, etc. i had DH there pretty much 24-7 for my first CS but then he intermittently left with my 2nd CS to spend time with DD1 and let dogs out etc, but I did feel a lot better with the 2nd. Encouragement to get up and move ASAP.
    ~Jenn~ Image and video hosting by TinyPic Cali *our first love* 1/20/12
  • I know I can hire our sitter for during the actual surgery, but I really don't know how the boys would do in an overnight situation without one of us there. I simply don't have anyone I can ask to stay with them the whole time that can get here by then. My sister has a plane ticket for next weekend, and is trying to get her flight changed, but you know how last minute flights are.

    It is a big hospital. :( My best friend is a guy. I know he would come help me, with diapers and stuff, but I can't imagine asking him to help me get up to pee.

    I think I am gonna go cry now.
  • I think I needed my husband there for the first 24 hours after the surgery. Then after they removed my catheter I was slow getting up but was able to move. If I needed help I could call a nurse and they would help if my husband was at home with DS or running an errand.
  • My csection was at night on a Friday. I was not allowed out of bed until sometime Sunday afternoon once they removed my catheter. I was then again stuck in bed all day Monday while they gave me a transfusion.

    At my hospital, baby rooms in. I absolutely needed DH there to bring me baby when he needed to be fed. DH also did all the diaper changes since I couldn't get up to get him.

    dx:  Unexplained IF
     TTC since May 2011, 1 year trying, and then 3 TI, 2 IUI = BFN
    IVF #1 (May 2013):  Antagonist Protocol: 
    24R, 18M, 15F w/ICSI; 5dt of 2 early blasts, no frosties = BFN
    IVF #2 (August 2013):  Lupron Stop Protocol: 
    28R, 23M, 15F w/ICSI; 5dt of 1 partially hatched blast, 7 frosties = BFP
    EDD 5/23/14, blighted ovum (6w6d), D&C (8w6d)
    FET #1 (April 2014):  transferred 2 5d blasts = BFP
    C.J. born 01/09/15

  • Yes, i agree with PPs. I needed DH to bring me baby and to help me up to the bathroom. If you will be stuck, I suggest taking all pain meds that are offered, and telling the nurses that you are going to be THAT extra needy patient. Also see if you can schedule friends/acquaintances to come during the day at least so you can have them burp/change baby while you sleep. You will not be able to get up to tend to baby for a day or so. They may be able to take the baby to the nursery, my charge nurse was helpful in offering to take the baby for a bit when my DH was being useless and I was crying uncontrollably and the RN was taking care of me. It will be very difficult, I don't think I would attempt it, but I'm a FTM and baby is 4 days old and I'm just now able to be on my own for periods of time
  • I had really great nurses but still really needed DH there until probably 48 hours after at least. Like others have said he did all of the diaper changes and brought baby to me. If baby can go to the nursery that would help at night and your DH may be able to go home. I'd find out what the hospital policy is. We sent LO to the nursery at night and they'd just bring him to me to nurse and then I'd call and they'd take him back. Technically I could have done that part on my own. Sorry your plans have changed. Hope you can get together a plan you feel good about!
    Baby Birthday Ticker Ticker

    BabyFruit Ticker
  • My husband stayed with me for most of the first day and all that night. Then he went home to the kids and periodically came back. The hospital staff was amazing with this delivery as well as the c-section that I had with number 3.

    You are pretty sore, but it is definitely doable if your hubby has to be at home.
    Baby Birthday Ticker Ticker

    BabyFruit Ticker
  • I definitely needed my DH there. I needed help getting in and out of bed for the first day or so. I couldn't have imagined doing it without him. 
  • I only had my husband with me at night when he was done work. My nurses were amazing. They came to help me up whenever I needed them. I kept the baby I'm bed with me so I could change and feed him as needed. If I wanted to sleep I had a nurse come and put him in the bassinet.


  • Also my husband went home to sleep because all we had in the room for him to sleep on was a fold down chair. He's way too big for it. So before he would leave he would bring the baby to the nursery for the night. I let them give formula at night so I could get my rest.


  • H went home to sleep this time around each night but this is was also not my first rodeo. My recovery was really rough with my first Csec but honestly, I could have managed without H at night if I had to.
  • This is my 3rd c-section and I'm on the same boat. We have two boys ages 2 and 5 that need us and no family around or anyone we would ask to keep them overnight and take them to school. Wednesday morning I will be having my c-section and my hubby will be there during the day for the birth and a few hours after, but he is solely responsible for the kids for those 3 days. He will not be at the hospital and honestly I didn't think I needed him to stay with the last. The nurses helped me a lot and brought me my baby when he was hungry. Don't know how it will be at this new hospital, but I'm going to try and ask for as much help as I can get out of the nurses.


  • csjsmomcsjsmom member
    edited February 2015
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