January 2015 Moms

James Anthony Birth Story

eleolin8eleolin8 member
edited January 2015 in January 2015 Moms

James Anthony born 1/12/15 10pm 6lb 14oz 19 3/4 in long.  I was 40w+1.

I went in for a planned induction for fear of baby not fitting through my pelvis and my BP being elevated in my last week of pregnancy.

My cervix extremely unripe and thick.  8pm and 1am, cytotec pills placed. 2 pills only made me 2cm and 70% effaced.  I was also group strep B positive and took antibiotics through IV.

Pitocin started 9am at a level of 2. Amniotic fluid leaking at 7am.  I was contractions very well and still talking/laughing.   By 2pm, got more uncomfortable with Pitocin at level 14 by that point I decided to take a bath.  Contractions seemed like every minute and lasted at least 30-40 sec.  I went down hill real fast at that point and could no longer tolerate the pain.  I made it to 5cm and almost completely effaced and begging for the epidural. 

Epi given 3pm and had no problems other than left side more numb but I could no longer feel contractions which was a godsend.  The Pitocin was increased rapidly and I dilated to 8cm and 100%.  Pit turned off since I was contracting on my own.  My contractions slowed to every 6 min and they tried to turn pit back on but baby's heart rate not handling it well at all so turned It off and kept waiting.  by 7pm, nurse checked me and water really broke with a gush.  Baby got in distress and they had to do an amnio-infusion. 

Long story short: baby just wouldn't descend, I was never able to get to 0 station, stayed at -2.  Baby's head was coming out sideways and stuck in pelvis.  We decided on a c-section after waiting another hour to get to 10 cm.  Even though at 10cm, baby still never descended.

I was prepped for C-section after accepting it and coming to terms. Baby James came out and could see where cone head had formed since he was stuck, also noted to have a tight nuchal cord.  He had a fever of 101 at birth.  We had to stay at the hospital for 5 days so he could have IV antibiotics and wow was that a long time.  His fever reduced and even though I was treated for the group strep B he still may have gotten it.  Final results are back tonight at mid night. 

Breast feeding is difficult for us, he doesn't latch very well but gets better every day.  I use a nipple guard most of the time since he can feel it better.  Being on the IV with glucose water/antibiotic made him mostly satisfied and a lazy eater.  We have an appointment Monday with lactation consultant.  We are elated he came safely and is healthy! 

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