January 2015 Moms

When you pass your DueDate

My EDD was Jan 11 & I know it has only been a week but I have been in so much pain the past month that I am becoming impatient. I have no signs of labor, 1cm dialated, & 50% effaced. I spoke to my dr on Friday about inducing this upcoming week and she started talking to me like I was being selfish for wanting to be induced & began lecturing me about how bad it is, the higher risk of csection, etc & it sort of made me mad. I know the risks of induction but I also know the risks of baby going too far past gestation. Am I wrong for wanting to be induced after my 41 week point?

Re: When you pass your DueDate

  • Honestly I don't think so. I would not feel comfortable going to 42 weeks. My practice schedules inductions once you hit 41 weeks. Risks to baby goes up (placenta breaks down, meconium, etc). If it makes you feel any better I was not even 1 cm when my water broke at 38 weeks with DS and 39 weeks with DD. I just had number 3 overdue by four days after expecting to be early like my other two. Sorry you feel so bad hope baby comes soon!
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  • My doctor office/hospital doesn't want women to go past 41 weeks. I'm at 38 and my dr said we would discuss induction at the next appointment if it ends up being necessary. It does depend on your doctor but 40 weeks is a long time, especially if you're in pain. Good luck and hang in there!
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  • I don't think so, my cnm said the risks of going to 42 weeks outweigh the benefits so they recommend intervention after 41 weeks unless you insist on going to 42 weeks.
  • I'm four days over and the norm around here is to be induced at 41+6 so I'm hoping things start naturally soon.
  • @GromMom‌ I have read a lot of risks going passed that's why I brought it up. Thanks guys! Glad to know I'm not being ridiculous or something!
  • Risks of going past 41 are often overstated..... Due dates are estimates...
  • I'm 41+1 today ....I know the struggle.
  • Hi ya I was overdue by 12 days in the end and it's frustrating. Had a membrane sweep on day 7 which failed and was booked in for induction for day 14 however my body intervened and baby came on day 12. I do think unless you or baby is at risk there isn't a need to be induced until 14 days over as dating scans are not always 100% accurate. I hope u meet ure little one soon.
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