Hey moms to be!
I went in for my 14 week appointment, to find I have a little boy inside me! Yay!
Not getting my hopes too high, just in case, but I'm sure I saw that little weenie!
Anyways, my little man is measuring at 4.6 inches!!! WHAT!?!
That being said, sprites a question in my head, will I feel him kick earlier?
According to those measurements, this app say that's 16 weeks. (Although I know I'm not)
But, you can feel movement then, some moms at least, which makes me think I will earlier?
What're your thoughts guys!?
Thanks in advance!
Re: I have a question about those little kicks!
I feel like I'm definitely in tune with my body, but I don't know what to feel for, not exactly at least.
I've heard that when you do really feel it, you'll know. Kinda like you know when you're in labor. Lol.
Me- 28, DH- 32 ----> together six years, married June 2012
Initial diagnosis of PCOS, currently labeled as unexplained infertility
BFP 12/20/13, EDD 8/25/2014, baby got his wings at 11 weeks and 3 days.
BFP 11/9/14, EDD 7/24/2015
I am 13 weeks and have been feeling this baby since I was 12. I was 20 weeks when I felt my first. At first it felt like a fish moving n water. Now its random pokes.
With my first I didn't feel anything until closer to 20 weeks. And as "in tune with your body" as you think you may be, your body is completely different now. So you are no longer as in tune as you may think. This is something you've never felt before, never experienced before, so my guess is that you won't feel anything for 4-5 more weeks.
***Signature/Ticker Warning***
March 2008 - DD born - no issues conceiving (surprise). Limited issues during pregnancy/delivery.

June 2011 - Married DH.
June 2013 - Diagnosis of Endometriosis and PCOS (approximate).
December 2013 - First cycle of Clomid - Positive OPK. BFN
January 2014 - 2nd Cycle of Clomid - Positive OPK. BFN
February 2014 - 3rd Cycle of Clomid - Positive OPK. BFN
March 2014 - Took month off to prep for surgery
April 2014 - Laporoscopy for endo. Unable to remove endo due to too close of proximity to ureter. HSG done as well. Fillopian tubes open.
May 2014 - 1st round of Femara. Positive OPK. BFN.
June 2014 - 2nd round of Femara. Moved to RE to have CD10 Follicular U/S. No Follies in left ovary. 5 follies in right. Largest follie 8mm, 1 7mm, 2 3mm, 1 2mm. Positive OPK on day of U/S. BFN. DH has SA done at this time - All results within normal limits.
July 2014 - 3rd round of Femara. CD10 Follicular U/S. No follies in left ovary. 7 follies in right. 1 20mm, 1 12mm, 1 10mm, 4 <5mm. Scheduled for IUI. Canceled due to low estrogen level of 145. TI this month. Prepping for Injectables next month. BFN.
August 2014 - CD3 BW Normal. Injectables not happening because of stupid miscommunication about "required injectables class." Taking class this month. No medication. TI for the month. SIS scheduled for 8/7/14. SIS results - "I have a beautiful uterus." Huzzah!
September 2014 - Cycle cancelled due to stupid AF coming early and making my IUI run in to DH's business trip. Try again next month.
October 2014 - Injects with IUI cycle. 75U 5 days. Estrogen at 36. Bumped up to 125 for 4 days. Estrogen 105. Bumped up to 225. Ganirelix for 2 days. 4 mature follies. Triggered 10/9. IUI 10/10.
BFP 10/24/2014. Beta #1 - 178 Beta #2 - 398. U/S 11/7/14- TWINS!!!!
Natural miscarriage @ 8 weeks - 3/8/2005
Big Brother "Skippy" born - 2/28/2007
Missed miscarriage - (EDD 3/5/2013) - D&E @ 11 weeks - 8/8/2012
"Hen" (EDD 6/7/2013) - born sleeping @ 19 weeks - 1/15/2013
"G-Unit" born - 4/14/2014 and he's 100% perfection!!