January 2015 Moms

Labour/ work anxiety

I am 39 weeks, and still working. I work in commission, so not working means no money. My problem is that I have so much business going on, which is great! But I'm going to have a baby any day! Which gives me anxiety, I take a lot of pride in my work and my relationships and when I have the baby my co workers will take over and I have to trust they will do a good job. Letting go is obviously an issue for me ;)... So I'm torn, do I start walking this weekend and doing stairs which I already know starts my contractions, or stay very still so I can get a few days of work in next week to finish up some projects. But I want to see my and hold my baby!
- a rambling FTM

Re: Labour/ work anxiety

  • Thank you ladies :) I worked from home today, and felt much better. Tomorrow the walking and stairs begin!
  • I was the same as @saiven too. My water broke at 2:57am, and one of the first things I did was email my manager and team to let them know so they wouldn't be wondering about me in the morning. DH was like, "So...do you want to keep sending emails, or can we go to the hospital now?"

    Anyway, yeah, people at work were telling me suggestions of walking, etc. for getting the baby out, but I was ok with waiting. I made sure to have everything somewhat wrapped up at the end of each day or at least share it with one of my employees so they could finish it out if need be. Now that DS2 is here, I'm not interested in work, and I'm looking forward to time with my boys.
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