Okay so it's Saturday morning I'm thinking great I can sleep in, well at least to like eight before the kids wake up. WRONG ! They woke up at six wtf there is no school today. We are totally not on the same page I see. Ugh kids you gotta love them /:)
I woke up just to do January bills. Sad to see money go bye bye .... Now I am back in bed w my dog and we are doing some serious cuddling. I am also wondering why I am not hungry....
I'm sitting on the couch trying to make myself get up to take a shower so DD and I can go to the store. I plan on not doing too much else the rest of the day. Happy Saturday!
I live like two minutes from a chipotle. I just drove to one much further away because the guac is better. I'm pretty sure my doctor won't be complimenting my weight gain at my next appt like she did at my last.
I live like two minutes from a chipotle. I just drove to one much further away because the guac is better. I'm pretty sure my doctor won't be complimenting my weight gain at my next appt like she did at my last.
My closest Chipolte is a 30 minute drive. And we only have 3-4 that I know of total....in the whole radius of Toronto. So sad.
And Targets are closing all their Canadian stores.
So I'm being bummed on the couch all day and watching Friends on Netflix. My kids are playing/fighting/playing upstairs. Hope they can last for one more episode!
I don't have to go to work today! Yay! Last night I had trouble sleeping and I think it's because I can start to feel the weight of my uterus, every which way I lay I wake up with a need to move because my back feels strained or just hurts. I don't know if it's too early to feel this, I'll be 14 weeks tomorrow, anyone else have this problem?
I don't have to go to work today! Yay! Last night I had trouble sleeping and I think it's because I can start to feel the weight of my uterus, every which way I lay I wake up with a need to move because my back feels strained or just hurts. I don't know if it's too early to feel this, I'll be 14 weeks tomorrow, anyone else have this problem?
A lot of people have posted about back pain in the symptoms threads. I'm also experiencing it at 14 weeks and have been the last couple weeks. It seems early compared to my last pregnancy but it is what it is. I'm going to pull my Snoogle pregnancy pillow out of storage soon and I think that will help me find a comfy position to sleep in. I highly recommend it.
I'd been craving a Greek salad from Panera bread and completely forgot that pregnant women aren't supposed to eat the feta cheese! Well midway through my salad I dropped my fork and I'm like oh shit… Well I googled and asked an employee of the restaurant to confirm if they use pasteurize feta cheese and they do so it was okay! So, needless to say I finish my salad with a smile on my face. I know listeria is uncommon but I still care to stay away from the possibility since it's so bad if caught.
I was out to eat last night and wanted a salad with soft cheese but dh wanted me to ask to put his mind at ease (it was a hipster-ish farm to table place so it is possible it wasn't pasteurized.) Anyway the waitress looked at me like I had 8 heads and said "no, we don't serve cheese PRODUCT here, only real cheese" in a super rude tone. I told her I wasn't asking if it was processed, I wanted to know if it was PASTEURIZED. She responded "I don't think so because the chef only uses natural ingredients." I seriously wanted to scream. Obviously her hipster fedora was cutting off blood flow to her brain.
I live like two minutes from a chipotle. I just drove to one much further away because the guac is better. I'm pretty sure my doctor won't be complimenting my weight gain at my next appt like she did at my last.
My closest Chipolte is a 30 minute drive. And we only have 3-4 that I know of total....in the whole radius of Toronto. So sad.
And Targets are closing all their Canadian stores.
So I'm being bummed on the couch all day and watching Friends on Netflix. My kids are playing/fighting/playing upstairs. Hope they can last for one more episode!
I'm in British Columbia on van island and we don't even have a chipotles glad I'm not the only one mourning the loss of Target
Im wondering when im gonna stop starving all the time. I am trying soooo hard not to gain weight this pregnancy and am sitting here eating a horrible kale chicken salad to try and watch my weight and im annoyed. I eat every two hours which isnt good on the no gaining weight scale. When will I just give up and eat a burger!
I want to ride my horse!!!! How am I ever gonna make it till July?! I wish dh wasn't there when the doctor told me I shouldn't ride. It was really good exercise too. Guess I'm just gonna be fat and pregnant
@babyd1102 I'm sending hugs your way, it is always unsettling painful to dream those dreams, your not alone. Hopefully tonight you will dream of a happy, healthy LO held in your arms.
Re: Saturday Randoms
What is this "sleeping in" you speak of??
Then came a miscarriage March '11
Then came a baby in the baby carriage May 16, 12
Waiting on our second little peanut!
Today is day 2 of my new job! Yay
And Targets are closing all their Canadian stores.
So I'm being bummed on the couch all day and watching Friends on Netflix. My kids are playing/fighting/playing upstairs. Hope they can last for one more episode!
@kacdanz next time I will just go panera...
I'm in British Columbia on van island and we don't even have a chipotles
I'm sending hugs your way, it is always unsettling painful to dream those dreams, your not alone. Hopefully tonight you will dream of a happy, healthy LO held in your arms.