January 2015 Moms

I smoked weed while pregnant in Arizona

yes I did the unthinkable to a lot of you and smoked weed during my first, second and third trimester. I was losing tons of weight from the very beginning due to sickness, the medications weren't working and I panicked. Smoking was the only thing that kept food down and got me back on track to my son gaining the proper weight. I know that if they were to drug test us in the hospital after delivery, it would come back positive. (I'm due in two weeks) I am also on unsupervised probation for a marijuana dui, go figure. So I'm not saying that I didn't use weed recreationally. I'm saying that during my pregnancy, it became a medicine.

Now I live in Arizona. Supposedly all infants and mothers are tested, and CPS is called. I cannot stop crying over the thought of CPS taking my child from me. I am caught in the middle of doing something to benefit the health of my child and myself, And that something happening to be "illegal". I just want to know if anyone has been in a similar situation? Or has similar opinions? I am a very responsible, hard working, successful woman. I don't want my child to be taken from me and I am filled with worry.

Re: I smoked weed while pregnant in Arizona

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  • Being illegal and being on probation, I would have personally avoided it. I'm pretty sure doctors have ways to fight sickness. Self medicating wouldn't have been my solution. 

    What's done is done at this point.. You can't possibly say you had no idea there could have been consequences. 

    I hope everything works out for you. Good luck.


  • Thank you RobertJane23 I reached out to them in an email and hope to hear back soon. I appreciate it
  • I have smoked thru out my pregnancy as well. It helped with my horrible anxiety and my horrible morning sickness, know was so sick at the beginning of my pregnancy I lost 40 pounds. It was really bad. This was a big worry on my side as well so I asked my doctor about it. I did not tell her I was asking for myself. I said I was asking for my sister, she's pregnant as well. What my doctor told me is that they won't drug test unless there is a medical history of drug abuse. Only then will they do a drug test. Depending on how much Youve been smoking, you should stop now. Drink plenty of fluids to make you urinate Alot. Because it'll most likely be a urine test not a blood test. Cranberry juice as well helps. If they test you they have to tell you. It's against the law for a hospital to perform a test without your knowledge.

    I hope that helps!
  • I wrote that medication did not work for me. Plus medication is 100% chemicals.
  • Thank you it means a lot coming from someone with experience
  • I agree with a few PP's... totally selfish. You should have thought about the consequences before, especially with your history

    BabyFetus Ticker

  • I live in a state where this has been totally legal for a while now. I know from friends who have used during pregnancy (for nausea, anxiety, depression, headaches, appetites, pain... the list goes on and on) and admitted this to their doctors and they respond it is NO BIG DEAL. Straight from medical professionals' mouths. Absolutely no lectures about dangers to the child, if anything emphasizing do not drive while stoned (which is a totally different argument). Sure, quote studies showing different side effects to the baby or child, but really, no true research has been done in mass quantities to prove it is dangerous (or safe, but everything shows dangers) on a reliable scale. The studies that have been done you need to know those mothers also smoke cigarettes, drink alcohol, and/or use heroin, cocaine, crack, meth, abuse pills, etc. so that information is absolutely not valid. As far as marijuana being "from nature" this is true. It has not undergone any chemical processes to obtain the THC (the active ingredient) besides burning it (if smoking it the method of use). Sugar is more of a drug (meaning it is processed from sugar cane into the white stuff... very similar to the coca plant to cocaine)! Alcohol is not a comparison (it's fermented plants with other processes), and really how many moms here have admitted to using alcohol on at least an occasional basis? Where are the backlash of "gross" comments about those decisions? ....Yes I am definitely from a legal weed state and am PROUD of it, aren't I?

    Now on the legal side, I am sorry you decided to use in a state where there are laws against the use. The law is the law, and you must respect that. I personally don't think it's a serious enough offense to have your baby taken away from you, but your state has possibly decided that it is. I wish you the best of luck in the outcome of your decision.
    January J'15 Siggy Challenge: Baby FAILS

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  • I am not sure it makes sense to come on a public forum like this and not think your go in to get some serious backlash on doing something that is illegal and possibly dangerous for your unborn child. I think you need to talk to your Dr about prescribed meds and stop the smoking immediately.
    Not to mention your worried about losing your child.. well you go to jail for not adhering to your probation..your still in a bad place.
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  • Lurker from F15. Yet again, it baffles me that women like you get to experience the joy of pregnancy and being a mother when there's so many much more deserving women that can't have children. It honestly saddens me.
  • I feel as if none of us has the right to judge, if you don't agree don't comment. I understand where you're coming from but with a DUI and probation I wouldn't have smoked. We all have differnt views on things. I personally wouldn't have done it knowing any risks were involved but obviously you weren't doing it for yourself or atleast as you say
  • Talk to a lawyer who specializes in custody and family law. They'll offer you the best information on what you are dealing with.
    ************************SIGGY WARNING***********************

    Me: 29      DH:  32
    Off birth control March 2012 - Actively trying Sept 2012-April 2014
    Unexplained Infertility
    BFP on May 5th after Follistim & IUI #3
    Ryan Henry - born 1/10/15, 7 lb 5 oz, 20 1/4 inches

    NTNP for a sibling starting March 2015
    Waiting on cycle to resume while EBF


  • Feb 15 Viper to "F15 Lurker"

    I now return you to your regularly scheduled MUD. Over and Out.

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