January 2015 Moms

Baby Blues...??

ahayden1230ahayden1230 member
edited January 2015 in January 2015 Moms
How are all the moms feeling that recently delievered? I gave birth on Jan 3rd via C section and my husband was home with me the first week. The second week I have been alone just me and baby .... And I'm feeling emotional! I'm sure that's normal. Just feeling isolated as I have only left the house once. And I don't want to take the baby out of the house too soon. How is everyone else doing?

Re: Baby Blues...??

  • Sorry to hear you're struggling, but glad we are talking about it.

    @papapalie‌ I'm glad to hear you spoke to your doc. Feel free to reach out if you need someone to talk to!
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  • @robsbabygirl08‌ I like that u wish we could give real hugs. I'm so sorry that LO won't stop crying. That's stressful enough without the hormones. :(


  • Since my noobs have become useless in the feeding department I think DH will do all the feedings tonight. Hopefully I can get some sleep.
  • I'm so glad you ladies who are having these feelings are seeking help. I'm feeling pretty good this time around, but with my daughter I had ppd bad. I didn't go for help and I hit a very rough patch. I wish I got help before I got to the point I reached. I know this time to ask for help when I feel I need it.

    Lots of hugs for everyone. I hope someone starts the check in. It would be a great asset to the group.


  • I agree that a check in would be good! I'm not sure if I'm just hormonal or what. But I cry several times a day for no reason. Just thinking about something like my husband not being here or my older daughter and I get teary eyes. I'm constantly worrying about someone giving the baby a cold or what I would do if he got sick. To the point I won't leave the house with him and do not want anyone else to hold him. I'm sure that isn't normal??
  • This might not be an idea anyone is interested in, but something @robsbabygirl08‌ sparked it. There are enough of us on here that I'm sure we could do a buddy system virtual or actual (IRL) check in. This could be in addition to a weekly thread here just to make sure everyone is hanging in there.

    Just a thought...
  • Mine always hits me at the same time everyday and usually it's for no reason. I think a check in would be great so we're all encouraged to talk about it.

  • I'm still pregnant, ftm, so I can't add to much. But I struggled with anxiety and depression prior to becoming pregnant. I've been doing okay through out the pregnancy, but am worried about after. I think doing a check in would be a great idea, at least so no one feels alone. And I do no think wanting real hugs is creepy! Sometimes you just need one
  • I had my second little man a week ago and I'm going stir crazy! I'm so bored yet busy with a newborn and toddler. Sometimes I just crave adult conversation so I try to either call someone or invite a visitor who knows enough not to overstay. I did also have a bit of a breakdown two nights ago because I had to take LO to emerge to get checked (everything was ok) but still made me nervous plus it was 2 am. I do think that short outing helped me though because I felt human again leaving the house and going for a drive!
  • Well I'm in San Antonio if any one needs a real hug ;)

    It does help me a lot knowing that I've already been through this once and made it out the other side. DH pulled all the duties last night! I got 8 hours of sleep.

    And I'm in south jersey/Philadelphia area if hugs are needed!
  • soon2bejp said:

    Well I'm in San Antonio if any one needs a real hug ;)

    It does help me a lot knowing that I've already been through this once and made it out the other side. DH pulled all the duties last night! I got 8 hours of sleep.

    And I'm in south jersey/Philadelphia area if hugs are needed!
    Philly here... let's hug ;)


  • soon2bejpsoon2bejp member
    edited January 2015
    If you girls are feeling bluesy and want some company, coffee, whatever don't hesitate to PM me. Really!
  • I'm sorry to those who are struggling!

    I am only 3 days PP. Last night I totally snapped at DH because it felt SOOO cold in our house when I got up to nurse. He brought me a blanket and wrapped around me. Then I got up to nurse again 2 hours later and he put the blanket on me again, but I was hot by then. Major hormone swings going on here, but I'm just going to watch it for now.
  • I want a hug. :(

    Vancouver WA here. Anyone?

  • I agree we need to keep checking in.... I'm still trying to determine if my crying spells are normal hormones or if it's something more serious.... The sleep deprivation isn't helping matters. I was told by my OB that if I needed medication it could take 6 weeks to start working?? Does this sound right to anyone who has ever taken anything? My baby boy has his days and nignts confused so I'm full of anxiety gearing up for a long night of no sleep!!
  • @ahayden1230‌ I have never heard of any depression or anxiety meds taking 6 weeks. The norm is 2 weeks.
  • @papapalie‌ I am so sorry that this is such a struggle for you. I feel like I don't have any really good advice since I struggled so much the first time. I know that not much compares to the fear and feeling of doom that comes on when having panic or anxiety attacks. The only thing that seemed to help me was to put DD in her crib, turn up some music fairly loudly and go stand outside for about 5 minutes. Yes, I would leave my baby inside alone screaming her head off. But my Dr advised me to do that and kept telling me that babies don't die from crying. It seemed to be just enough of a break for me to kinda clear my head.
  • @BabyStandish‌ you've gotta take care of yourself first! I've been popping Motrin every 8 hours like its my job. I know if I'm in pain I won't be able to take care of my LO.

  • @papapalie‌ I'm so sorry you are having sucha bad day! Do you have family or a friend near by you can call to give you a break? If not, call your doc, even if it's the after hours number.

    Sending lots of hugs out to everyone in a rough patch!
  • @BabyStandish‌ I had to take T3's around the clock for at least 2 weeks after I came home with my first. My recovery from c-section was horrible! Take care of yourself!
  • @papapalie yes! It's okay to put him in his crib and walk away. He can tell when you're angry, anxious, scared, nervous..... Put him down and walk to where you can't hear him and try to relax. Maybe try just two minutes at first and add a minute to your break the next day.
  • I still have an inside baby but I think I really need to be watchful for ppd. I was diagnosed with depression in the past and was on medication but with my doctors consent I went off it about a year before I got pregnant. I'm seeing some of the symptoms coming back but I don't know if it's depression again or just normal pregnancy tiredness and hormones. I would love to be part of a check-in...especially after baby comes.
  • I had planned on keeping DS & myself in the house for a while, but he had bad jaundice & we had to go for heel pricks at our pediatrician office every day for a week. I just kept a blanket over his car seat & he is so far fine and the clinic was full of people with the flu. I think going out would be perfectly fine as long as you keep baby covered and don't let anyone get too close, especially if you think it would help you feel better!
  • @papapalie, I wish I were closer, I'd totally come give you a hug, and help out! So sorry. Hopefully the meds will work for you. Hang in there!
    Yes, even being 2 weeks old, if you are getting frustrated in the slightest put your baby down, in a safe place and walk away to collect yourself, and then go back in and try to calm him again. They can most definitely feel your frustration, so if you've gotta calm down. .. you gotta do what you gotta do. Take care of yourself first, so you can take care of him.

  • @papapalie‌ I only suggest you call the doc against n because you never know what other tricks or suggestions they may have! I hope tonight has gotten a bit easier for you and I'm glad you have family close by!
  • @papapalie‌ Just wanted to check on you since I didn't see you post today and I know you were having a rough day yesterday!
  • So glad to hear it! One day, hour, or moment at a time!
  • @papapalie I am glad to hear that you got some sleep last night and that your sister came over. I hope the pre night time anxiety gets better for you.
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