Talking to your OB's office would probably be the best place to start since they can let you know what your doctor recommends. Tylenol is typically ok'd by OBs, but no ibuprofen (like Advil, aleve, or Motrin). You can try a little caffeine as well.
Started TTC Nov. 2011
1st clomid cycle June 2012- No response :: HSG August 2012- Left tube blocked, right tube clear :: 2nd clomid cycle Aug. 2012 BFN :: 3rd clomid cycle Sept. 2012 :: BFP Sept 30th :: DS born 6/15/13 :: BFP #2 7/29/14 M/C 8/5/14 :: BFP#3 10/20/14 DD born 7/1/2015 :: Applied to be surrogate April '17 :: Transferred 1 Embryo for IFs Dec. '17 :: Surro Babe born 9/11/18 :: Started 2nd Journey May '19 :: Transferred 1 Embryo for new IFs 9/24/19 :: HB 138 at 6w6d
I have been getting a lot of bad headaches this whole week. Idk what to do or what to take ? I'm in high school & 18 any advice?
Do you have a doctor? They should have given you a packet with safe meds to take. If not, there should be a nurse to call for questions as well. Headaches in second trimester are common and Tylenol is usually recommended. I also suggest you pick up a pregnancy book at your local library or bookstore.
Hi love! I just turned 21, I'm 13 weeks & 5 days, single mommy. I get crazy headaches too, migraines. What helps me is cold compress, sleep, a little caffeine maybe under 200 mg, I usually drink coke or a Starbucks frapp. Tylenol is safe to use also!
Re: Ftm 14 weeks today
Started TTC Nov. 2011
1st clomid cycle June 2012- No response :: HSG August 2012- Left tube blocked, right tube clear :: 2nd clomid cycle Aug. 2012 BFN :: 3rd clomid cycle Sept. 2012 :: BFP Sept 30th :: DS born 6/15/13 :: BFP #2 7/29/14 M/C 8/5/14 :: BFP#3 10/20/14 DD born 7/1/2015 :: Applied to be surrogate April '17 :: Transferred 1 Embryo for IFs Dec. '17 :: Surro Babe born 9/11/18 :: Started 2nd Journey May '19 :: Transferred 1 Embryo for new IFs 9/24/19 :: HB 138 at 6w6d