July 2015 Moms

GTKY: Something You Wish You Could Do

What is something you wish you knew how to do? Did you never learn to ride a bike? Can't swim? Wish you could cook or crochet? Tell us here!

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Re: GTKY: Something You Wish You Could Do

  • I wish I could play sports. Even when a group of friends gets together to play volleyball or soccer I am petrified that I'm going to mess up in front of everyone.

    July 2015 Siggy Challenge

    Snow Fails

    Lilypie Pregnancy tickers
  • I wish I could play the drums. I always thought girl drummers were fucking cool!
    First came love, then came marriage - Oct 31, 09
    Then came a miscarriage March '11
    Then came a baby in the baby carriage May 16, 12

    Waiting on our second little peanut!
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  • Loading the player...
  • I wish I could play the piano. Or speak Spanish..
  • Whistle. I cannot whistle. Last year I tried to teach myself how to and made some progress (in that a pseudo whistley sound could come out) but I can't change notes. I feel like a dork bc 5 year olds can whistle and I can't!
    Me: 27 DH: 33
    Married 5/2012
    BFP 11/17/2014


    Pregnancy Ticker
  • I wish I could play piano or spoke a language besides English. Like PP I also wish I could whistle. And I wish I could REALLY sing.
    Baby Birthday Ticker Ticker
    Pregnancy Ticker
  • I wish I could sing. Sorta silly but I am a great song writer and have an ear for music so it would be so nice to be able to sing well. Also speaking a few more langagues would be great.
  • I wish I could read people's minds...

    Really though...I wish I was a faster learner! Things take me a few tries and I have to be "hands on" to get things. 
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  • Drink infinite margaritas
  • I would love to be able to play piano, or to knit.  I tried knitting one summer, all my wash cloths ended up looking like triangles from all the dropped stitches...I have horrible hand eye coordination

    BabyFruit Ticker
    Excitedly Expecting our first!      EDD July 10

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  • I wish I could draw well enough that my stick figures looked like stick figures.... I can not draw to save my life
  • Dance and play piano.



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  • lynnyloo said:

    I wish I could delete my bump history and account!

    First came love, then came marriage - Oct 31, 09
    Then came a miscarriage March '11
    Then came a baby in the baby carriage May 16, 12

    Waiting on our second little peanut!
    BabyFetus Ticker
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  • I wish I could play the piano. I can play other instruments but that's one I've never tried.
    Lilypie Kids Birthday tickers
  • I wish I could play guitar. Or just even do anything musical at all.
  • I wish I had an easier time learning new languages.

    And I wish I had even an inkling of athletic talent.

    BabyFruit Ticker
  • I wish I could draw! Most of my family is artistic, but sadly the only artistic trait I have is that I'm a pretty good writer. Also wish I could eat whatever I wanted & still have a hot body.... That'd be nice
  • I wish I could eat Brie cheese :>
  • BabysMomma4BabysMomma4 member
    edited January 2015
    For all of the women saying they wish they could play piano - I wish I could teach you! I've been playing for 27 years and have been teaching my kids. Would love to teach adults too! Would be so much fun!

    Edited to add that I also wish I could learn how to do woodworking. I'm artistic and had a scholarship in college for art (even though I ended up majoring in computer science lol), but never did anything with wood. I'd love to have a table saw and other power tools and make a cool cabinet or something.

    Mother of 4 beautiful babies - soon to be 5!
    Mikey - 11/08/2000
    Eden - 02/23/2003
    Alora - 04/07/2006
    Elsie - 07/08/2015
    Expecting a baby girl 11/01/2016!!

  • I wish I was artistic in any sense. I can't draw, paint, or anything :( lol.
    I also wish I was more of a romantic person. My poor DF is always doing such romantic thugs and I'm like 'I gotta fart'
  • I wish I could run a marathon. I suppose I could but every time I go to start training I have zero motivation. I will stick with the 5ks. Enough of those eventually equal a marathon anyway, right?
  • I wish I could pause time sometimes Hermione Grainger style so I could fit everything into my day without having to make compromises and still have time to eat/drink/rest etc so I'm not frazzled at the end of it! I'd also like to learn how to play piano and ride a horse- projects for when the children are older :smile: x
  • I wish I could knit, I would love to make things for my family.
  • I wish I knew how to do my hair. All I can do is straighten it. Every other attempt is a fail.
  • I wish I knew how to play piano or ride horses! Always been two things I've wanted to learn , I tried a couple months ago to teach myself piano but failed :(( lol one day !!
  • I always wished I woukd have learned how to play piano, too!

    BabyFruit Ticker
  • I've always wished I could sing (although I've been known to think otherwise after a few drinks)
    Currently I'm wishing I knew how to quilt because I desperately want a baby quilt but I want to be the one to make it. Looks like I have some learning to do.
  • I wish I was better with my sewing machine. I have all the supplies for a quilt and just purchased the most beautiful beautiful christening gown pattern. I think I can I think I can
    BFP - 10/28/2014!

    EDD 7/13/2015

    Ultra Sound 12/2 @ 8+1 measuring 8+4


  • Grow more hair lol, it's so thin and won't grow long thick and luxurious poop
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