Good morning, afternoon or evening to all my other twin moms!!!
If you are expecting multiples please join our weekly check in. Trying to get a feel for who is still here.
How far along are you?
How are you feeling this week, emotionally and physically?
Any updates or upcoming appointments??
Any Rants/Rave this week??
QOTW: what's your favorite flavor of ice cream?
Hope all you ladies are doing well!!
Re: ~~** Twin Mom Check In -1/ 16/15**~~
- I am still experiencing morning sickness. But physically feeling ok when I'm away from work.
- i set up my gender ultrasound I have one on the 2nd of February but if we can't get both I have another on the 4th . Hope to have my gender reveal on the 7th.
- I am sad. With everything that has happened the past week, but glad I am able to keep in touch with most of the moms I have connected with here. On here or the flip side. - rants: going nuts with our move that's coming up on Tuesday. A lot to do and very overwhelming when I'm pregnant. Especially since I look like a whale! I was fluffy to begin with and with bloat, two babies, every day I am getting bigger. I very much look pregnant.
-QOTW: my favorite flavor of ice cream is chocolate chip or mint chocolate chip. But I have ad version from sweets since I've been pregnant.
Feeling pretty good, not as nauseous as before but still tired as hell.
Sad about the ppl it seems are gone, either by choice or by force :-S
Thanks @steen9713 for trying to keep this going.
I have an appt on Tues & I'm hoping they'll be able to tell us the sexes then so I don't have to wait til mid Feb for the actual anatomy scan.
No rants--
Raves: thrilled nausea has let up
QOTW: I used to have a lot of favorite flavors including rocky road & creamcicle (orange sherbet + vanilla ice cream but I have lost my taste for sweets since being pregnant
How far along are you? 10w 2d
How are you feeling this week, emotionally and physically? I'm tired and nauseous still but ok.
Any updates or upcoming appointments?? I have an appointment in the 28th.
Any Rants/Rave this week?? I have a huge rave. My husband just got a new job!!! He will be working at one of my schools as the media assistant. I'm so proud of him and excited that he finally has a job that he could use his masters degree in.
QOTW: what's your favorite flavor of ice cream? Chocolate chocolate and more chocolate. With chocolate pieces and brownie chunks lol. No it just depends on my mood. I love all ice cream flavors and like to try new things.
It has been an emotional week - work has been the worst! Physically, the nausea is usually much, much better however there are still days/times when it comes back full force. But since water no longer triggers an instant trip to the bathroom to get sick, I have been able to start hydrating myself (no more IV fluid appointments!) and my headaches seem to be less intense.
Next appointment is the 30th so no updates.
Rant: Work sucks and stupid people who have never been pregnant (and never wanted to be pregnant) should keep their judgements and dumb opinions to themselves! I had one such coworker whispering to another such coworker about how disgustingly fat I am getting and that pregnant women don't have to gain weight or get stretch marks - it's just the lazy ones who do so.
Rave: My boss's boss's boss finally heard my issues and I am moving to a new section next week!
QOTW: Phish Food, Mint chocolate chip, or Cookies and cream
@ShawnaM83 - what an awful person your co worker is for saying such awful
things! pregnancy is beautiful! And every mom earns her marks!
15 weeks 6 days
How are you feeling this week, emotionally and physically?
Heartburn has kicked in!!! otherwise I am feeling well!!
Any updates or upcoming appointments??
None so far
Any Rants/Rave this week??
it's been a boring week, so I actually do not have any rants or raves lol.
QOTW: what's your favorite flavor of ice cream?
15 weeks 2 days
How are you feeling this week, emotionally and physically?
I’m having a lot of round ligament pain, Ob says mine are bad because of prior abdomen surgery’s. I’m also finding it hard to eat a normal size meal, I just feel like crap after.
Any updates or upcoming appointments??
Went to an elective ultrasound place and found out that baby A= boy and baby B=girl, couldn’t be more happy its what I was hoping for. Next Ob appointment is on the 5th and don’t have the anatomy scan till 25th.
No rants,
Raves, happy to know the sex so now I can start to shop for stuff,
QOTW, I love plain chocolate ice cream, had some last night even though its only 20 degrees out.
@jtenkorang, congrats on hubby new job.
@ShawnaM83, hopefully moving to a new section will help with the stupid people.
How far along are you? 13w 1d
How are you feeling this week, emotionally and physically? I'm just really really tired. As in I need a nap after I take a shower lol. Just can't seem to sleep enough
Any updates or upcoming appointments?? I have my first MFM appt this Thursday. Everything so far with my OB has been just great!
Any Rants/Rave this week?? I'm annoyed that I already have to "squeeze" when I sneeze so that I don't pee my pants
Physically, I've been feeling great all week (finally!!). And emotionally, on top of the world! My husband and I found out on Friday that our identical twins are girls!!
My next appointment is in two weeks, and I'll be seeing my doctors (yes that's plural, since my pregnancy is very high risk) every two weeks from here on out. The girls are sharing a placenta, which puts them at risk for TTTS and they need to be watched closely. As of Friday, though, everything looks great and they're VERY healthy!!! My husband and I are so greatful to God for these beautiful little blessings
No rants this week, just wanted to brag about my girls
I'm a rocky road kinda girl
@jtenkorang: the money part is definitely worrisome. We thought we would have a two-child family, but not all at once so our proposed budget got thrown completely out of the window.
Ok, now to answer the questions:
I am 13 weeks 2 days.
Emotionally and physically I'm feeling pretty good...this week. Brushing my teeth always gives me issues.
We meet with the perinatologist this upcoming week (to asses how high risk we really are) and our regular ob next week for our normal 2 week check. This past week we did have our NT scan which was super fun since we hadn't seen the babies in three weeks, and we got to see them swim around. I guess we'll get our results by our next ob appt.
Rants: I finally told one of my bosses that twins were on the way, and while the plan with one was to be able to bring him/her into work, she's hesitant about two babies. Which I get, but at least let's try and see how it goes. If it's two much we can figure something else out. Ugh, I hate all the unknowns!
Rave: we've started telling people and it's so amazing how excited and supportive everyone has been/is being. Really makes me feel grateful.
I love Neapolitan ice cream since I'm indecisive, but if I had to pick one, I'd choose rocky road or a fruity sorbet.
@laliotis7 : my due date hasn't changed but I have discussed with my OB to wait as long as possible. Unless they have a valid medical reason to get them out earlier. There have been a lot of twin moms in my area to go till 40 weeks or till they came natural with out being induced. So I have high hopes they will come on their own time and not the doctors. One reason I really like my OB.
@laliotis7: my OB said at the first appointment she always shoots for 38 weeks and has had a good track record getting there. My due date is still on the charts as July 1 but if I don't end up in labor before 38 weeks, we will likely be scheduling my c-section for that timeframe. (Assuming everyone is healthly and on track at that point as well.)
My due date isn't technically being moved up but my doc did say at 38 weeks we will schedule a c section. I had a c section with my dad 10 months ago so no matter what I will be having another one with the twins.
I see a lot of people have purchased new vehicles. Anyone want to share what they bought? We are waiting for our tax refund then we are going to purchase a van. We are looking at the Honda Odyssey due to the amount of anchors for car seats. I was told there are 5 I. The odyssey and the benches are wide enough so the seat isn't hanging off the end.
Happy Sunday all!!
I'm horrible at tagging but @laliotis7 that is so exciting that you are having identical girls!!! So adorable!
@laliotis7: My due date (July 3rd) hasn't officially changed but at my first meeting with the ob after graduating from the fertility dr she told me to "have everything ready by the end of May, early June" because they were going to really try to get me to 38 weeks but it wasn't guaranteed...That freaked me out a bit & made me worry about the babies being delivered too early and feeling like I was already behind in getting everything ready. It's crazy but I hope we all go for as long as possible & keep these babies cookin'
How are you feeling this week, emotionally and physically? Physically...I'm getting better. I'm still struggling to eat, which makes me pretty weak at times. I go back to the OB this week. If I have lost any more weight she's going to put me on some nutrition supps. Gross. But hopefully the morning/all day sickness will subside soon, my stomach meds to help break down food will kick in so I can actually feel like I have a need to eat, and I'll get to feeling better soon. Emotionally I'm doing pretty good. Waiting to hear back on a new job opportunity for DH. Super nervous but he nailed his interview so we're hoping for the best!
Any updates or upcoming appointments?? Appt this Thursday just to check weight loss/gain/lack of either, and also to possibly check blood sugar levels. Then in 2 weeks we see the peri for our anatomy scan. YAY!
Any Rants/Rave this week?? Just a big rant to DH for rocking his interview and hopefully getting a new career. This would be a HUGE step for him professionally, and would keep me home part time, which will save us a ton on daycare. So we are crossing our fingers for a call back this week!
QOTW: what's your favorite flavor of ice cream? This one is really hard for me...mostly because I am an ice cream FANATIC when I'm not pregnant, but have had a really bad dairy aversion during pregnancy. It KILLS me. But my favorite kind of ice cream is going to the fro-yo place and getting cheesecake fro-yo with cheesecake bites, cookie dough and hot fudge. Yes I'm a fat kid. Yes I'm proud. It's delicious.
***Signature/Ticker Warning***
March 2008 - DD born - no issues conceiving (surprise). Limited issues during pregnancy/delivery.

June 2011 - Married DH.
June 2013 - Diagnosis of Endometriosis and PCOS (approximate).
December 2013 - First cycle of Clomid - Positive OPK. BFN
January 2014 - 2nd Cycle of Clomid - Positive OPK. BFN
February 2014 - 3rd Cycle of Clomid - Positive OPK. BFN
March 2014 - Took month off to prep for surgery
April 2014 - Laporoscopy for endo. Unable to remove endo due to too close of proximity to ureter. HSG done as well. Fillopian tubes open.
May 2014 - 1st round of Femara. Positive OPK. BFN.
June 2014 - 2nd round of Femara. Moved to RE to have CD10 Follicular U/S. No Follies in left ovary. 5 follies in right. Largest follie 8mm, 1 7mm, 2 3mm, 1 2mm. Positive OPK on day of U/S. BFN. DH has SA done at this time - All results within normal limits.
July 2014 - 3rd round of Femara. CD10 Follicular U/S. No follies in left ovary. 7 follies in right. 1 20mm, 1 12mm, 1 10mm, 4 <5mm. Scheduled for IUI. Canceled due to low estrogen level of 145. TI this month. Prepping for Injectables next month. BFN.
August 2014 - CD3 BW Normal. Injectables not happening because of stupid miscommunication about "required injectables class." Taking class this month. No medication. TI for the month. SIS scheduled for 8/7/14. SIS results - "I have a beautiful uterus." Huzzah!
September 2014 - Cycle cancelled due to stupid AF coming early and making my IUI run in to DH's business trip. Try again next month.
October 2014 - Injects with IUI cycle. 75U 5 days. Estrogen at 36. Bumped up to 125 for 4 days. Estrogen 105. Bumped up to 225. Ganirelix for 2 days. 4 mature follies. Triggered 10/9. IUI 10/10.
BFP 10/24/2014. Beta #1 - 178 Beta #2 - 398. U/S 11/7/14- TWINS!!!!
We just got a GMC Acadia with captain seats. My DH is 6'3 and "large" + we have a great dane so I needed the large 3rd row to use or lay flat for the dog and baby stuff.
Yes, I am stressing about finances! This car purchase was not in our plan but I went to Buy buy baby and the snugride seats don't fit with my husband in the car (We only have one vehicle for the house). The double stroller fit but then I couldn't get the dog in the car either. So even though I know it was needed, I am even still regretting this vehicle purchase. DH and I have started our "baby budget" as if the twins were already in daycare. It is much harder than we thought. While we don't eat out often, I hate too cook so we have been trying to meal plan more. I will have a few hand me downs to borrow but not much. We also had to get new carpet in the nursery + guest room because it was trashed from the previous owners and we haven't done anything about it in 6 years! so it was an expensive weekend. DH and I do not make much $$$ so this will be hard. We used most of our savings on IVF. I read an article that said every time you go to the store (or costco/sam's) to purchase one item for the baby which you will use long term (wipes, bath soap, diapers (we are doing cloth), etc so by the time the babies come, we will have a good stock pile that hasn't impacted our budget that much. So we are starting that in February. We are also stocking up on household paper products as they come on sale so I don't have to worry about running out of TP or napkins when I get home from the hospital. As a ftm, I just don't know what I will need. I will be going back to work as soon as medically cleared because of $$ so I am even starting to look at coupons for bottles, etc.
Any suggestions from mom's with kids on things to purchase early?
For purchasing ahead of time, I did the whole buy something everytime I went to the store with DD and we have started it now as well. I would recommed getting different sizes and brands for people who do diapers and for wipes as well. It would defeat the stocking up plan to end up with 50 packages of wipes that LO ends up being allergic to.
When the weather starts warming up, hit garage sales like a crazy person (or send DH if you aren't comfy by then). You can stock up on onesies, sleepers, socks, burp rags and blankets for sure that way. My cousin has triplets and said her local MoMs group often does group garage sales and swaps, so look for one of those groups and get involved.
Bottles and nipples are another thing that babies can be picky/sensitive about, so if you want to try and get some early, be prepared to possibly have to try different brands, shapes or styles.
Oh and my cousin said not to worry about two of everything like swings and bouncers and play mats and whatnot. They don't have to be doing the same thing at the same time, and you might have one LO who hates the swing while the other hates the bouncer.
And my last tidbit (sorry for the novel), let your close friends and family know what it is you are looking for and have them keep their eyes open for deals and steals also. Our friend from work is always finding us awesome coupons and sales from the town where she lives and my sister, who lives in another state, has been hitting up her local sales for us already too.
Any updates or upcoming appointments??
Any Rants/Rave this week?? Nope, all good.
QOTW: what's your favorite flavor of ice cream? Ben & Jerry's American Dream
How far along are you? 15 weeks
How are you feeling this week, emotionally and physically? My dad has been in ICU after suffering a massive heart attack. This week has been horrible. Emotionally, I've gone from up and down. Physically, I'm starting to feel little changes in my body & the morning sickness has definitely not stopped.
Any updates or upcoming appointments?? I had my Ob appt. yesterday & I know one gender but the other one wasn't being cooperative. Dr. says next week at my Specialist appt. I may be able to find out both since her machine is more high tech. I've lost 11 pounds that I know of being pregnant and although I was initially overweight I'm scared I won't gain. Is this weird ?
Any Rants/Rave this week?? Boyfriend's work/school schedule plus mine are so incompatible I don't even know how we made time to make these babies. I get the support but I just wish he was around more often and it's bothering me that my babies don't feel the love.