I found out at the doctor yesterday that I have fluid in my left ear. I took a Claritin as recommended and this morning I feel like my hearing is foggy and muffled. Does it sound like it's getting better or worse? At first I thought worse but then I thought maybe it's starting to drain and that's what's making me feel a little weird.
On a positive side note I think I rubbed the sore spot out of my neck yesterday because my headache is gone after three days of not getting out of bed. Hopefully it lasts!
as someone who has been able to handle having headaches her whole life... the ones I started getting this week are awful... like considering taking a mini nap at my desk awful.
I have tons of gas. Mostly burping so I guess that's good.
*TMI alert*:
I feel like I have less vaginal discharge than I expected. I'm 13w3d and I thought it was going to increase from first trimester. I feel like it decreased.
Also, I find it weird I'm not sweating as much as I used to when I workout. Now, that I'm pregnant I am cold all the time.. Maybe that has something to do with it.
I've been puking like a champ through this whole pregnacy. Today Zofran isn't helping. Oh yeah and I've had a migraine Satan must himself must have created for 2 days.
I have also been crazy hungry--I feel like I have a tapeworm!! lol
Also, I have been getting some wicked headaches. I never get headaches, so I'm a big baby about them when I do. Can I just sleep for the next 6 months please???
First came love, then came marriage - Oct 31, 09 Then came a miscarriage March '11 Then came a baby in the baby carriage May 16, 12
@Mackalack oh I'm fine with it. I just figured I would warn the others.. Don't want anyone to get offended around here or anything!
Ha! I think things like this are not offensive, and you should be good. And, if they are offensive, I question why they're pregnant in the first place. Yikes!
For the first time in a long time, I am feeling amazing I was super tired this morning but once I got some morning snuggles from my kiddos, I was ready for the day.
@dalia123 I had a migraine for three days and what helped me was putting a cold compress on my forehead, but Tylenol is okay, and I had a frappicino for caffeine.
Re: Friday Symptoms/Lack of Symptoms
I think I'm going to take a nap...
On a positive side note I think I rubbed the sore spot out of my neck yesterday because my headache is gone after three days of not getting out of bed. Hopefully it lasts!
*TMI alert*:
I feel like I have less vaginal discharge than I expected. I'm 13w3d and I thought it was going to increase from first trimester. I feel like it decreased.
Also, I find it weird I'm not sweating as much as I used to when I workout. Now, that I'm pregnant I am cold all the time.. Maybe that has something to do with it.
I have also been crazy hungry--I feel like I have a tapeworm!! lol
Also, I have been getting some wicked headaches. I never get headaches, so I'm a big baby about them when I do. Can I just sleep for the next 6 months please???
Then came a miscarriage March '11
Then came a baby in the baby carriage May 16, 12
Waiting on our second little peanut!
For the first time in a long time, I am feeling amazing
I was super tired this morning but once I got some morning snuggles from my kiddos, I was ready for the day.