July 2015 Moms

Friday Symptoms/Lack of Symptoms

How are you ladies feeling today ?

Re: Friday Symptoms/Lack of Symptoms

  • I feel okay just a little tired, for some reason this week I have been wanting to sleep a lot again. I guess the fatigue is back I'm 15w1d .

    I think I'm going to take a nap...
  • I'm crampy today, but also dehydrated from the flu. Drinking lots of water and relaxing!
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  • I found out at the doctor yesterday that I have fluid in my left ear. I took a Claritin as recommended and this morning I feel like my hearing is foggy and muffled. Does it sound like it's getting better or worse? At first I thought worse but then I thought maybe it's starting to drain and that's what's making me feel a little weird.

    On a positive side note I think I rubbed the sore spot out of my neck yesterday because my headache is gone after three days of not getting out of bed. Hopefully it lasts!
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  • I haven't felt nauseous in the last week or two. Why did you have to come back today, morning sickness? WHY??
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  • Morning sickness came back for me yesterday and the day before, today I'm just gassy. For now...
  • as someone who has been able to handle having headaches her whole life... the ones I started getting this week are awful... like considering taking a mini nap at my desk awful.

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    Little dude will be here before we know it!

  • I'm still dry heaving in the morning and it's horrid.... Feel so hungry all the time... Can't seem to get enough to eat LOL
  • I am always hungry and if I don't eat so get sick.
  • I feel good today, just tired and starving
  • I have tons of gas. Mostly burping so I guess that's good.

    *TMI alert*:

    I feel like I have less vaginal discharge than I expected. I'm 13w3d and I thought it was going to increase from first trimester. I feel like it decreased.

    Also, I find it weird I'm not sweating as much as I used to when I workout. Now, that I'm pregnant I am cold all the time.. Maybe that has something to do with it.
  • 12w3d here! Yesterday I felt great except for the heartburn & gas :smile: today I am nauseous & tired
  • I've been puking like a champ through this whole pregnacy. Today Zofran isn't helping. Oh yeah and I've had a migraine Satan must himself must have created for 2 days.
  • I have also been crazy hungry--I feel like I have a tapeworm!! lol

    Also, I have been getting some wicked headaches. I never get headaches, so I'm a big baby about them when I do. Can I just sleep for the next 6 months please???

    First came love, then came marriage - Oct 31, 09
    Then came a miscarriage March '11
    Then came a baby in the baby carriage May 16, 12

    Waiting on our second little peanut!
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  • @kris_tee if you think that's TMI, then you're not going to want to know what's really TMI that's coming, haha!

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  • @Mackalack‌ oh I'm fine with it. I just figured I would warn the others.. Don't want anyone to get offended around here or anything!
  • I feel pretty okay today. Just tired. Looking forward to a long weekend!
  • kris_tee said:
    @Mackalack‌ oh I'm fine with it. I just figured I would warn the others.. Don't want anyone to get offended around here or anything!
    Ha!  I think things like this are not offensive, and you should be good.  :)  And, if they are offensive, I question why they're pregnant in the first place.  Yikes!
    July '15 January Siggy - snow fails
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  • For the first time in a long time, I am feeling amazing :D I was super tired this morning but once I got some morning snuggles from my kiddos, I was ready for the day.

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  • Woke up with a terrible headache :( do you ladies know what medicine is ok to take for it?
  • @dalia123 - tylenol is ok.  You can also try a cup of coffee, I know sometimes that clears my headaches.  
    July '15 January Siggy - snow fails
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  • @dalia123‌ I had a migraine for three days and what helped me was putting a cold compress on my forehead, but Tylenol is okay, and I had a frappicino for caffeine.
  • edited January 2015
    I've been feeling great, I have some minor leg cramping but that's to be expected. I'm hungry all the damn time, All I think about is food.
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