January 2015 Moms

False Alarm- vent

I've been having painful contractions for 24+ hours. Finally, when they were occurring every 3 minutes for over an hour, I called the after-hours number and spoke to a nurse. She advised me to get to L&D quick.

After monitoring the baby for a bit, both a Dr and a nurse did a cervical check and... NOTHING! No dilation, whatsoever. They sent me home.

All I want to do is sleep, but the pain in my lower back is so f*'$&g intense. I'm trying everything that dr google recommends for back labor, but so far no luck.

DH is starting a new job this morning so I already feel bad for keeping him up most the night. No real point to this, other than to complain.. Anyone want to commiserate with me?? Any additional tips for surviving back labor?
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Re: False Alarm- vent

  • Ekk...I don't think my back pains have been at your intensity level..but i would suggest what I did with mine..to get them to calm down. Do you have a birthing ball?  Just like an excercise ball sitting on those and rotating your hips relieves the tension from those back pains.  Also getting on all fours and rotating your hips without the ball or you can lay over the ball and do that as well. Some regular strength tylenol..heating pad if you don't have a ball.  Laying on the bed feet on the ground and DH squezzing your hips together with his hands or with a towel/blanket/scarf wrapped around your hips can release some tension as well. 

    I hope one of these help you in the long run! Good Luck and maybe it will happen today for yah! 
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  • I don't have any advice, just want to comiserate and hope that you find some relief.  Did the hospital give you any tips? If it continues, can they induce you?
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  • I'm literally going thru the same thing right now. Waiting to be discharged even though I'm still having contractions, but no dilation progress. This sucks.
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  • I know you likely know this, but back labor is mostly caused by baby being in a posterior position, meaning baby's back is toward your back.

    Look up rezobo sifting on the spinning babies website. You need someone to help you do it, but my doula said she recommends this for women with posterior babies like yours and has had many babies turn anterior, even in labor. I think they have other suggestions for posterior babies there too.

    Also, avoid reclining and keep your belly forward as much as possible.

    Good luck! You're almost there.
    Be the change you wish to see in the world. ~ Mahatma Gandhi

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  • My midwife recommends hands and knees for back pain/labor. Keep the spine neutral(don't arch your back!) or with your pelvis tilted(give yourself a little hump like a camel.) This is also supposed to help baby engage into the pelvis to encourage labor is baby is ready.

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  • From what I've heard the back labor is because baby is facing forward... Have you tried any Spinning Babies positions to get LO to flip around?

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  • I had back labor this time. It was the most horriable pain. Thr only thing that helped with DH rubbing my bavk and then once we were closer to pushing he needed to put a TON of pressure on my lower back.
  • I just went through this :( I'm so sorry you are experiencing it. For me it started on the 13th at 7pm. Went to the hospital at midnight and was sent home at 3am because contractions slowed and I wasn't progressing. All day on the 14th I was in so much pain from the contractions even though they were irregular. The longest stretch of sleep was 40 minutes if I was lucky. I was scheduled to be induced on the 15th at 7am but went in at 1:30am because they told me they wouldn't send me home being so close to induction time. When I came in they gave me medication and I had the most wonderful few hours of sleep. Since my body was relaxed I finally progressed to 6cm and didn't have to be induced.
    I hope you find some relief because I know how bad it is :(
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  • I get my period cramps in my back, and now intense lower back pain from LO, she's not posterior, it's just how I'm built. Be sure to get an accurate idea of baby's position before trying to shift anything.
    That said, cat cows and yoga/birth balls are awesome. I spend a lot of time on my knees with my arms hugging the ball, it helps my back and opens up my pelvis.
  • Just offering some sympathy. DD1 was posterior and I went through the same thing: hours of painful, close contractions without any progress. After doing the hands-knees position all night she did eventually turn. Good luck!
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  • kbl13 said:

    Thanks!! After posting this, I spent the next day alternating between hands& knees positions or sitting on my exercise ball and taking long walks or hot showers -- and baby girl was born this morning!

    Great update! Congrats on your baby girl!
                Jan 15 January Siggy Challenge
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  • Congrats!!!!
  • Congrats! Again, so sorry you had to go through that.
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  • Congrats! <:-P

  • Congrat on your baby girl, I'm trying to work my little boy out now. Been on the exercise ball for an hour now, hopefully it's helping...
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