July 2015 Moms

Symptom: back pain

Okay ladies, back pain has been making my life hell the last four days. Bending over kills, laying down is a pain, sitting hurts. No matter what I do, it's uncomfortable.
Now I will admit, I am a plus-sized woman. I have breasts on the large side of the scale and I've experienced back pain before, but never for this long.
Is this a direct result of the pregnancy? Are any of you ladies experiencing this as well?
I've searched the interwebs, and I know it's common later in the pregnancy, that's why I'm posting here.
I want to know if there are others out there sharing my pain, and if there are... What are you doing to cope with it, apart from Tylenol?
Thank you ladies

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Re: Symptom: back pain

  • So glad someone posted about this, mine is awful too! I had my hubs rub my back this morning and it helped a little, the Tylenol just seems to barely take the edge off, I'm thinking an Epsom salt bath might do the trick and I'm planning to try that tomorrow, I can let you know if it helps me.
  • That's a good idea, I hope that may work. Normally I would take a hot bath, but considering the pregnancy, I should avoid boiling water baths lol.
    Maybe I could try a heating pad, that may help a little as well.
    I wouldn't wish this on my enemy, I would take the m.s over this anyday.

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  • I have chronic back and neck pain from a condition in my brain called chiari malformation. The tonsils of the back of the brain push on my spinal cord. This also causes severe nerve issues so I understand your pain! I've had to cut back on pain meds when I got unexpectedly pregnant and I find the heating pad is my best friend a lot of the day! That combined with dh massage and chiropractor visits should help! Oh! And I also use one of those massage rollers you roll your back on on the floor. Works great! Hope you feel better!

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  • Oh gosh I've had the worst back pain ever lately. I just have someone massage me or sometimes when I take a shower I let the water hit my back for a while even if it's just warm it helps a lot & if u have one of those shower heads that turn into a higher pressure water I use that as well. I try not to take too many medicine as I've noticed it doesn't make a difference. Also try stretching in the morning and before you go to sleep, that's helped me a lot also.
  • Having the same issue, which I experienced during my last pregnancy but much later than 16 weeks, so I guess back pain can happen at any stage! With that said the heating pad does wonders, and my doc just recommended a few specific stretches to alleviate the pain. Goodluck!
  • This would go great in the symptoms thread, btw.

    I was having lots of back pain in the first tri, and doc said it was most likely related to my constipation. It has eased up now.

    You could also be experiencing sciatic nerve pain, which I was lucky enough not to experience until AFTER having my first LO. I have read that it can help to lay on your left side when you're laying down. I hope you find relief soon! If not, I'd be heading to my doc or a chiropractor ASAP!

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  • I am a chiropractor and currently 13wks along. I would never go a week in my pregnancy without an adjustment! I highly recommend that you ladies consult with a prenatal-trained chiropractor in your area. These docs will have Webster Technique certification and you can find a list of all certified practitioners at www.icpa4kids.org. Best of luck to you all in your pregnancies!
  • Hi Moms!  This is my second pregnancy and I've had back pain at the very beginning with both pregnancy.  i play tennis and practice yoga and definitely notice it more during tennis, I think it has something to do with your ligaments and joints getting looser to prepare for the arrival of your baby.

    I definitely wouldn't hesitate to take a warm bath and use a heating pad for a bit!  This is coming from someone who eats sushi and poached eggs though! 
  • I see a Chiropractor once a month and in between visits with him I've been having prenatal massages. That seems to help a bit.

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  • Have you tried prenatal yoga? I'm taking a few classes and they focus on stretches that help common ailments for pregnant momma's.

    I highly recommend checking a few different classes or and picking one that works for you!
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  • I have chronic back and neck pain from a condition in my brain called chiari malformation. The tonsils of the back of the brain push on my spinal cord. This also causes severe nerve issues so I understand your pain! I've had to cut back on pain meds when I got unexpectedly pregnant and I find the heating pad is my best friend a lot of the day! That combined with dh massage and chiropractor visits should help! Oh! And I also use one of those massage rollers you roll your back on on the floor. Works great! Hope you feel better!

    Id never heard of this until about 2 months ago. My bff's 10 year old daughter just had chiari surgery. The results have been extremely successful so far, she's still recovering. But they see a huge difference in her breathing and swallowing.

    I'm dealing with sciatica right now. I had it with my first pregnancy. Life this week is sucking.
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  • I recommend a belly belt. Eventhough I'm not super far along (14 weeks), I'm showing. I'm already overweight to begin with. I had back surgery in July and my dr recommended using the belt. I got mine at motherhood maternity and it goes right under your belly and has adjustment straps for upper and lower back support levels
  • I also have a lot of trouble with my lower back (because my breasts are huge and heavy), and my doctor suggested that I wear a belly band or wrap my torso. Also, yesterday I passed kidney stones (yeowch!!) and those may have been contributing to my back pain for a while.


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  • Prenatal yoga has been my best friend for back pain! I find that it helps stretch things out and my muscles are so much more relaxed afterward. I also enjoy a nice warm bath from time to time and I frequently force hubs to give me back rubs. :) Tylenol had been 100% useless, so I've stopped taking it. Hope you find some relief soon!
  • I've been using a heating pad for the last few nights, and it helps quite a bit!
    I'm going to look more into the belly bands, as well as the prenatal yoga. This should be interesting :)
    Thank you for the suggestions everybody!

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  • Omg thank you for that reference. My back has been KILLING ME since about week 8, but I was unsure of chiropractic treatments during pregnancy.
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