Okay ladies, back pain has been making my life hell the last four days. Bending over kills, laying down is a pain, sitting hurts. No matter what I do, it's uncomfortable.
Now I will admit, I am a plus-sized woman. I have breasts on the large side of the scale and I've experienced back pain before, but never for this long.
Is this a direct result of the pregnancy? Are any of you ladies experiencing this as well?
I've searched the interwebs, and I know it's common later in the pregnancy, that's why I'm posting here.
I want to know if there are others out there sharing my pain, and if there are... What are you doing to cope with it, apart from Tylenol?
Thank you ladies
Re: Symptom: back pain
Maybe I could try a heating pad, that may help a little as well.
I wouldn't wish this on my enemy, I would take the m.s over this anyday.
Mother of 4 beautiful babies - soon to be 5!
Elsie - 07/08/2015
This would go great in the symptoms thread, btw.
I was having lots of back pain in the first tri, and doc said it was most likely related to my constipation. It has eased up now.
You could also be experiencing sciatic nerve pain, which I was lucky enough not to experience until AFTER having my first LO. I have read that it can help to lay on your left side when you're laying down. I hope you find relief soon! If not, I'd be heading to my doc or a chiropractor ASAP!
Then came a miscarriage March '11
Then came a baby in the baby carriage May 16, 12
Waiting on our second little peanut!
I highly recommend checking a few different classes or and picking one that works for you!
Michelle & Michael
Married - August '10
TTC - Since September 2011
I'm dealing with sciatica right now. I had it with my first pregnancy. Life this week is sucking.
Natural miscarriage @ 8 weeks - 3/8/2005
Big Brother "Skippy" born - 2/28/2007
Missed miscarriage - (EDD 3/5/2013) - D&E @ 11 weeks - 8/8/2012
"Hen" (EDD 6/7/2013) - born sleeping @ 19 weeks - 1/15/2013
"G-Unit" born - 4/14/2014 and he's 100% perfection!!
I'm going to look more into the belly bands, as well as the prenatal yoga. This should be interesting
Thank you for the suggestions everybody!